Chapter 20- Final

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Thank you luusis_  for the idea :)

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Thank you luusis_ for the idea :)




Diluc arrives at the hideout
(also i completely forgot what was going on before and don't feel like rereading so srry if this gets confusing lmao)
(The hideout is an abandoned castle cuz i said so)

The castle looks like it could collapse any minute, over grown vines covering every inch, shattered windows, missing bricks, dead trees, for sure this place is haunted. Filled with anger and rage Diluc walks up to the door and BAM breaks it down with his big ahh sword.  Diluc is immediately shot at by Hydro and Cryo Abyss Mages, He runs towards them dodging their attacks and using his elemental skill he slashes through them, it all happened in mere seconds. Diluc continues searching the castle with enemies everywhere through every door and through every door another dead end, it's like a never ending maze.

20 min and maybe like 35 Abyss mages later

Diluc still searching for Y/N, but he can't wait any longer, he's lost his patience and starts breaking walls down, burning the house as he does it. As he slashes down he sword goes through the floor "A basement? Of course" he says to himself, he was so angry he forgot to be rational. He takes a deep breath and thinks about one thing, saving you. With a single swing of his fiery sword he breaks through the floor and stumbles across a room with a single burning candle and a staircase. He looks down the spiral stairs and sees what seems like hundreds of more floor's. "Hmph my way looks a lot quicker. Time for retribution!" with a swift strike Diluc sends out a Fiery Falcon that swoops down destroying majority of the floors. Carefully Diluc jumps down the hole.

On the last unbroken floor

Diluc breaks the last concrete floor and there they are, Y/N being guarded by 4 Abyss Heralds the anger in him grew as he saw the condition you were in and with all his strength he-
(Im sorry but you'll just have to use your imagination for this fight. also Y/N defeated a couple abyss fellas but was taken down when there was too many)
The fight was tough but Diluc took them down, and as usual looked badass doing it. "Y/N!" He says running towards you "Diluc!" You say. He cuts the chains that were tying you up, "are you ok?" He asked, "I'm alright" you give him a slight smile and hug him with a sigh of relief, he's finally calmed down and hugs you back, Diluc pulls away and gives you a small kiss "cmon lets get out of here"

Outside of the hideout

Diluc carried you all the way out, when you reached the top floor you were shocked

"Did you do all this?" You ask, but he just keeps silent with a nervous look on his face, you giggle to yourself a bit

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"Did you do all this?" You ask, but he just keeps silent with a nervous look on his face, you giggle to yourself a bit. Mondstadt was a while away and you both needed rest so you both decide to stop at an Inn. You and Diluc bathe and freshen up, you were still shaken up about the whole thing but felt a little better once you were in Dilucs big strong muscular manly mans arms, you both fell asleep cuddled close together.

Maybe like 3 years and therapy, donna in jail later

Diluc takes you up to Starsnatch cliff and he had planned what almost looked like your first date. "Whats all this about?" You ask excitedly, "Oh, nothing its just been a while since we had a night like this"
The night is going perfectly you both are laughing havin a good time and everything is great. "Y/N." Diluc says as he stands up and reaches his hand out to you hinting that he wanted you to stand up, you take his hand "Yes Diluc?"

You gasp with eyes wide open

"Y/N ever since the day we met i always had some feeling inside, one that i never had before and it didn't take me long to realize that i was in love with you. I want to spend everyday together and be able to call you my (you choose) so, Y/N L/N with you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Tears start forming in your eyes before you jump onto him "Yes Yes Yes!!!" You say now crying. You pull away and Diluc puts the ring on your finger and you both share a long passionate kiss.
Right here, right now, everything is perfect.

(I had a big sinister grin on my face writing that)
End <3

(I had a big sinister grin on my face writing that)End <3

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