Chapter 6

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As your lip got closer you thought he was going to kiss you and....

He did!!

First person POV
Our lips met with a long passionate kiss. I expect him to be a rough kisser, it was soft and gentle, Diluc stopped and pulled away when the door swung open and Kaeya was standing there.
(Back to second person)

You three just stared at each other for what seemed like forever then Kaeya breaks the silence and says "sorry am I interrupting something?" Diluc immediately got up but before he could yell you interrupt "Kaeya! W-what are you doing here?"

"I came because the guy at the counter refused to give me free drinks, but now i see you will have to if you want to keep this a secret" Kaeya said with a big smirk on his face

"Are you blackmailing us?! I thought we were are friends!" You shouted

*awkward silence*

"Wait what were you guys even doing" Kaeya asked. You and Diluc looked in opposite directions then Diluc says "Free drinks for a 2 weeks and no one finds out about this."
"Two months" Kaeya says trying to sweeten the deal
"One month" Diluc said not having his bullsh-
"Deal, pleasure doing business with you" Kaeya said as he exits out the door. Once Kaeya was gone Diluc got up and put his jacket back on "sorry about this" he said as he adjusted his gloves. "Don't worry about it..." you said sounding disappointed. Diluc went to the door and stopped as his hand touched the handle and turned to you and said "ill take you out sometime? To make up for just now" and he left. It took you a minute to process what he said and when you realized your face turned completely red you buried your face into the pillow as you tried your best not to freak out. You thought about everything for a moment like how Diluc might be the one for you he was so kind, he took care of you while you were healing, he made sure you had something to eat and would buy you the best meals, and he kept you company while you were stuck inside you thought he was perfect for you.

heres Chey giving me ideas for this chapter lol

heres Chey giving me ideas for this chapter lol

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