Deserve You // Adam Sackler

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A/N: the inspo and title for this chapter came from the song "deserve you" by justin bieber (i was reading the sackler fanfic "beautiful liar" by @kyloewok and listening to that song so i thought this would work haha). any song will work for the dancing section, but the specific song in mind is that one! :)


Adam had just experienced the worst day ever.

The theater was in shambles today. The group was one week away from opening night and nothing seemed to be going right. Amidst all of the chaos, the director of the show gave Adam some "advice" that he didn't particularly appreciate; they seemed too accusatory and he felt like the director was just trying to bother him. The combination of the hectic work environment and the high and mighty comments from the director could drive anyone to madness. Needless to say, he was pissed.

     He angrily trudges up to the door of your shared apartment, fully prepared to go through his usual "anger management" routine: throw a tantrum before you get home and then fuck you once you return until his anger subsides enough to give you the love you need before bed. But, as he approaches the front door, his ears pick up on a melody coming from inside. You were home.

     It's no secret that Adam Sackler has anger issues. Although Adam has had no problem showing it in past relationships, he hated getting mad in front of you. With ex girlfriends like Hannah and Jessa, he would get so worked up that he would throw things and scream when they'd argue. But you were different; with you, he wouldn't even think about lashing out like he had in the past. He didn't like seeing your face when he got angry with you, he hated seeing you hurting because of his own anger issues. So, he usually saved the lashing out for when he was alone. He couldn't stand the thought of hurting you because of his pent up emotions.

     Adam cautiously steps into the apartment, cursing at the thought of the horrible day that had come and gone. He rounds the corner and looks into the kitchen, getting warmer to where the music was stemming from. He's pleasantly surprised to find you, dancing along with the song as you cook dinner.

     Sackler's negativity immediately melts away at the sight of you, wearing only his t-shirt and dancing, oblivious to the fact that he's staring. The sunset shines into the kitchen and lingers where you stand, making you glow like an angel. Your hair is pulled up into a messy bun and you had already taken off your makeup from the day. He loved seeing you like this the most, his massive shirt hanging off of you and your face naturally radiant; he thinks you are perfect no matter how you look. Your voice rings out while you sing along. After gawking over you in silence, he can't stand it any longer and he walks to where you are.

     You look over and give your grumpy boyfriend your award winning smile as you keep moving to the music. "How was your day, babe?" you shout over the loud melody that echoes through the apartment. He gives a small smile. "It was horrible until I came home to this beautiful sight." Adam steps over and grabs your waist, holding you close as you dance together.

    Adam had never been like this with anybody else. He's never been able to see what drew you in towards him in the first place, and he always felt like he can never be enough for you. No matter how many times you try to explain it to him, Adam can never completely convince himself that he's the person that's the best for you, especially after all the things he's had to overcome to become who he is today. But little moments like these ease his mind and make him feel thankful to be with you, even though he thinks you're way out of his league. He loves getting to be the one he sleeps next to every night, he loves being the first person you see every morning, and he loves being able to call himself "yours" most of all.

     The music fades out, but his eyes remain locked on you as he keeps you wrapped up in his arms. You look up at him, breathless and smiling. By this point, you had almost forgotten about dinner (which had thankfully not burned), so you try to wriggle your way out of Sackler's tight grip to turn off the stove.

     You had almost freed yourself from the living trap your boyfriend had set when he grabs you around your waist from behind. "Not so fast, kid," he says lovingly, kissing up and down your neck and jaw. You giggle and turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck and jumping up for him to hold you. He hoists you up with only one arm, the other hand holding the back of your head while he kisses you. He sits you down on the countertop, still kissing you while one of his hands snakes over to the stove to turn it off for you. You smile through the kiss; he was always so thoughtful.

     Adam pulls away from the kiss for a brief moment. His smile slowly fades as you hold his face. You look at him in confusion. "What is it? Was it your bad day, or did I do something?" you ask, putting your forehead against his.

     Sackler thinks carefully about what words to say. Once again, self deprecating thoughts resurface and he can't get rid of them. Not only is he battling with pent up anger from the hard day at the theater, but he feels like you deserve better than a struggling actor with anger issues and an alcohol issue. He had gotten used to feeling like the problem after dating Hannah for so long.

     His big doe eyes meet yours again, welling up with tears. "I really don't deserve you," he whispers, holding you even tighter. "You could easily get someone so much better than me."

     You place a soft kiss on his lips instinctively. "Adam, I love you and only you. Nobody is better for me than you, and I'll spend my whole life trying to convince you of that," you whisper back, letting him hold you and listen.

     He crashes his lips onto yours and picks you back up off of the counter. "I love you too, I love you so much," he says in between kisses, picking up the pace and getting rougher and more intense with each one.

     Adam pins you up against the wall, letting his tongue wander to meet yours and his hands explore your figure. You pull away and give him a look, gesturing jokingly towards the kitchen. He remembers that dinner is ready and he sighs, looking down in defeat.

You giggle and kiss him intensely once again. "Dinner can wait," you say seductively, pulling on his hair and nodding towards the bedroom. Sackler's eyes light up and he picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and takes you to your room.

     This horrible day was coming to a very happy ending for both of you.

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