Movie Night // Clyde Logan

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It was late when Clyde got home from the bar that night.

     Usually, on nights like these with long hours, he was content to just come home and see his fiancé sleeping contently in the bed and snuggle up next to his honey girl. But tonight, Clyde was lonely and only wanted affection.

     Clyde Logan was already a very affectionate man. He craved your kisses and hugs constantly; he's been like that since the beginning of your relationship. On days he gets needy, it's 10 times stronger. The need for physical touch was evident and you knew just how to take care of your big baby.

     Normally, big, strong, southern men like him would feel too embarrassed to be babied by their lovers, but Clyde didn't care. He had always considered you to be way out of his league, so when the two of you started dating during your senior year of high school, he laid the PDA on thick: kisses, hugs, holding hands, you name it. He had you, so of course he wanted to make you feel special no matter who was around. Plus, it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so that was good too.

     He walked through the front door of your small house, glancing at the clock: 11:58 PM. He sighed as he shut the door and began to trudge back towards your bedroom, feeling wide awake and clingy. Once he gets to your room, he pushes the door open gently, thinking you were asleep.

     Much to his surprise, there you were, sitting cross-legged in the middle of your king sized bed with snacks laid out around you and a blanket fort covering the headboard. The TV sits on the menu of your favorite movie to watch together and you stare up at him with a big smile.

     "Hey, darlin'. What is all this?" Clyde chuckled with his velvety southern drawl. You gestured to all of the things spread across your bed and pat the side he normally sleeps on next to you. "Movie night. Now, come on and get in the bed," you explained with a grin. Clyde didn't put up a fight; he followed your instructions immediately after stripping into his normal nightwear of just his boxers and Bob Seger t-shirt.

     He laid down next to you and you instantly assume the position of laying your head on his chest, taking in his presence and thinking of how thankful you are to have him. He took your hair into his fingers, twisting it around and leaving soft kisses on the crown of your head.

You looked up and placed a firm kiss on his lips. You felt his lips curl into a smile as they stayed on yours; he just couldn't help but smile when you kissed him.

"Now, let's get this movie started," you whispered to him, his lips still hovering above yours. He nodded before kissing you once more and pressing play.

The movie passed on, and the two of you went through it together. You laughed, you cried, and you held each other throughout the entire thing.

Watching movies with Clyde was always one of your favorite things to do just because he's so comfortable to be around. He had been like that since the beginning; you felt like you two had been together for ages.

Sadly, with all of the wedding planning and the busy nights at the bar, it had been a while since the two of you had been able to sit down together and watch a movie. You rarely got to see him after he got off from work since you were asleep, but you tried to keep in touch throughout the day just to tend to the needs of your needy man.

Thankfully, you weren't tired when Clyde texted you saying he was on his way home so you were able to put together the movie fort for him. Seeing his face when he walked in made it worth it.

The clock read 2:52 AM after the movie rolled the credits. Both of you still were entangled in each other's bodies, wrapped in sheets and staring into each other's eyes. Clyde gave you a sweet, sleepy smile.

"You know, I'm lucky to have you, my sweet honey girl," he said, his sleepy voice growing stronger with each word. You giggled; he had always told you about the Logan family curse, so hearing him talk about luck was always funny to you. "Is that so, Clyde Logan? I thought you were cursed," you teased. He kissed your forehead. "Well, I guess you're my exception."

     The two of you giggled and held each other close, staring into each other's eyes and feeling the love between the two of you, even if you weren't verbally expressing it. Both of you always felt like that was the perfect kind of love: the kind of love that doesn't require words, but rather just lives in both of you without needing an explanation. You were glad that you had that with Clyde.

     The clock struck 3:30 AM and both of your eyes began to feel heavy. Clyde rolled over in the bed, looking at you in his arms. He smiled to himself at the beautiful creature laying next to him.

     "Darlin', we'd better get some sleep before the crack of dawn," he slurred, his sleepy voice taking control as he yawned. You nodded into his chest in agreement. You felt him reach down to pull the sheets up and tuck you in.

     "G'night, Y/N," Clyde yawned once again. "Goodnight, Clyde," you whispered in response. He kissed your forehead one last time as you drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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