Mother's Day. // Paterson

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Paterson woke up early to the sound of you hammering something.

Over the course of your marriage, he had learned to expect the unexpected: the late night feasts, the random reorganization of your house, the surprise gifts you left him all the time. But on a Sunday morning, he was definitely not expecting to hear you building something before the sun even came up, especially since the two of you had plans with family that would leave you feeling exhausted by the end of the day.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and rolled out of the bed, taking his sweet time. He yawned as he got up and stumbled into the kitchen, picking up his poetry book and pouring a cup of coffee.

As he sat at the table, he quietly listened to you knocking away with the hammer downstairs, smiling to himself. He knew you were probably doing something special; in his eyes, you could do no wrong. He opened his notebook to scribble down a poem.

"Mother's Day
I awoke to the sweet sound of my love.
Not what I expected this morning, but that's one of the things I love about her.
Her spontaneity, her drive, her loving soul.
Even though we have no children, I look forward to the day we do.
The long 9 months of waiting, early mornings and late nights, and pitter-patters of little feet running around our home will be worthwhile as long as it's happening by her side.
My love will be a perfect mother; it's evident on the dawn of this Mother's Day."

He looked down at his work with a smirk, sipping his coffee. Definitely not his best, but good enough for right now. It has potential and that's what matters to him.

After making a few editing notes on it and finishing up his coffee, Paterson figured he should go check on you to see what you were doing so early in the morning. He quickly raced down the stairs and saw you, in a pair of his boxers and one of his undershirts, with your hair in a bun with a pencil stuck through it. You hammered away and every once and a while, you'd step back to see how it looked from a different perspective.

Paterson walked over and wrapped his arms around you from behind, slouching over to rest his chin on your shoulder. "Good morning, angel," he cooed softly into your ear, kissing your face. "Good morning, love. I hope I didn't wake you," you responded, promptly placing a sweet kiss on his lips. He knew that you did wake him up, but he didn't want to tell you, so he just shook his head in response.

His eyes scanned over the object in front of him, and he couldn't quite tell what it was yet. "My love, what are you building?" He asked, his big doe eyes looking at you. You smiled. "It's just a little something I'm putting together. It seemed appropriate to build it on Mother's Day," you replied, your smile growing wider as you waited on him to figure out your secret.

Your darling husband's eyebrows furrowed in thought as he examined your structure. He paced around the room slowly, going in circles around your creation. As his back turned, you pulled out an ultrasound.

"I'm building a crib, Paterson. I'm pregnant."

Paterson spun around on his heels to see you holding a picture of your baby in front of you, one hand touching your stomach. His jaw dropped and tears immediately started spilling out of his eyes as he entrapped you in his arms.

"Are you serious?" Paterson cried, laughing and holding you. "I'm serious, darling. We're having a baby. I wanted to wait until I got the ultrasound to show you, so say hello to our child," you replied, holding up the picture in front of him again.

He crouched down in front of you, still crying tears of joy and kissing your stomach. He looked up at you with sheer happiness. "Well, happy Mother's Day, angel," he quietly giggled, rubbing your belly.

The future Paterson had written about was unfolding quicker than he could've ever dreamed, and he was so excited to experience it with you.

A/N: this is too cute🥺
i got this idea randomly after coming from a dinner at my great grandmother's for mother's day, so i thought it was fitting to write something based on the holiday. i hope you all had a great day celebrating the mother figures in your lives!
also, thank you for all the love on these imagines! they're steadily gaining reads every day and they're doing better than i could've ever dreamed. i really appreciate it. -bre <3

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