Sick Days // Charlie Barber

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To put it simply, you felt terrible.

     You had been sick since the early hours of the morning. You could barely get out of bed, but managed to move yourself from your bedroom to the couch to make sure your husband, Charlie, didn't wake up from all of your tossing, turning, and moving around.

     Charlie had been super busy as he closed up his show and began getting things together for the next one. And on top of that, he had been arguing with his ex wife, Nicole, about visitations with their son, Henry. It felt selfish to wake him up from his much needed sleep when he's been working so hard to take care of you and your little family.

     Due to the sickness, you stayed awake all night long, watching the sunrise and taking steady doses of medicine every few hours. Reruns of "The Golden Girls" played on the TV as you laid lifelessly on the sofa, sniffling and coughing as you laugh at the witty old women on the screen.

     "Honey? What are you doing up this early?" Charlie's deep morning voice rang through the room as his footsteps followed. He moved to sit down next to your feet, his robe way too small for him and his hair messy from sleeping. He scanned over your current state and his eyebrows furrowed in sympathy. "Oh, my love, you don't feel well, do you?" he asked with a slight frown, moving his hand to stroke your cheek. You cough in response.

     He quickly made a few phone calls as the clock struck 7:00 and within a few minutes, he was back at your side with a tray of breakfast, hot tea, and medicine. You give him a slight smile at the kind gesture. I couldn't possibly ask for a better husband, you thought to yourself.

     Minutes swiftly turned into hours, and by the time that Charlie usually went to work, he still laid on the couch underneath you, holding you close and stroking your head while you watched old sitcoms on TV and quietly singing along to the theme songs since he knew that you love hearing him sing to you. You didn't want this to end (other than the cruddy feeling of being sick), but a part of you felt as if you were hindering your sweet husband from getting work done. He always had work to do, so he would probably end up running behind if he didn't go to work.

     "Charlie, you have to go to the theater, right? You're usually gone by this time," you groggily told him, looking up with bloodshot, sleep deprived eyes. He smiled and shook his head. "I handled it. I'm not leaving your side until you feel better, sweetheart," he cooed, gently pushing your head back down onto his chest and stroking your hair once again.

     Charlie has always been a very helpful person. Although he gets caught up in his work, he has a special soft spot for you and would drop anything to help you when you need it. So, when he woke up and saw you sneezing and coughing on the couch this morning, he didn't have a problem snuggling up next to you and tending to your every need. You were lucky and you knew it.

Eventually, after eating a little bit of chicken and rice that Charlie insisted you ate, you fell asleep on his chest after a long day of running on only a couple of hours of rest. He sang soft lullabies in your ear, peppering your forehead with kisses and holding you as tight and close as he can.

     Although he hated seeing you feeling poorly, moments like these reminded Charlie of all of the things he loves about you. He can feel sort of blind sighted when work overtakes his thoughts; it's not something he's ever been proud of. But seeing you, laying on his chest in his arms looking ethereal without even trying made him feel so accomplished. He knew that all of his mistakes lead him to you, and that was worth it.

     After holding you for a while longer (he didn't want to let you go), he finally decided that he wanted to lay you down in your shared bed so you'd be more comfortable. He picked you up bridal style and carried you towards your room; carrying you like this always made Charlie smile and reminisce on your wedding day.

     He laid you down in the center of the bed, tucking the blankets under you so you were tightly enclosed in warmth and fluffing the pillows for you. He looked at his sleeping bride and placed a long and sweet kiss on your head, making you smile in your sleep. Before standing back up, Charlie whispered in your ear: "I love you, honey. Sleep well for me."

     Charlie pulled up a chair from the corner of the bedroom and positioned it right next to the bed. He grabbed his laptop to work on things for the theater.

He looked at you one last time before opening the computer. Love filled his eyes and a smile erupted on his face.

     "I couldn't be more in love," Charlie whispered to himself before getting started on his work.

A/N: not me writing this while i have a cold so i can pretend charlie will take care of me👀
i already know that charlie would be a great caretaker🥺
i hope you guys like this chapter! i really enjoy writing these imagines/one shots so far. -bre <3

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