High School Sweetheart // Charlie Barber

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CONTENT WARNING: this imagine will mention infidelity between spouses and divorce. i know that it can be a sensitive topic for some, so feel free to skip this one if it makes you feel uncomfortable. :)

It was a pleasant surprise to see Charlie's huge body standing in your doorway this late at night.


You had gotten a text a few hours earlier from your close friend that he needed to talk; he and his wife, Nicole, had just gotten into a massive argument (as per usual) and he needed to let it out. He knew you were a safe space and that there'd be no way for Henry to hear him yelling about his mom if he talked to you away from their home.

You and Charlie went way back. You met in middle school when you both signed up for the school play; he was a year older than you so he was serving as a student director and you were surprisingly cast as the lead role. You immediately hit it off and got very close very fast. You talked every day, hung out with each other on the weekends, and were pretty much inseparable.

That naive friendship turned into mutual romantic attraction in your sophomore year of high school. It was a major change from your silly friendship and it was quite obvious to everyone that the two of you were so much more than friends. Since it all happened around the time of Charlie's junior prom, he asked you to be his girlfriend and his prom date by singing "Phantom of the Opera" ballads to you and giving you a bouquet of red roses. You said yes, of course, and the two of you went through all of high school infatuated with one another.

It all changed when the two of you left high school.

Charlie had pursued directing and you followed his lead, moving to the same city and going to the same school. You had a shared apartment and had expected to have a great life together in New York, but as Charlie got closer to his dream, he drifted away from you. The distance between you was horrible, the silence was deafening. You could sense that the end was coming, but the day he came home to tell you he had met her, you knew that nothing could've ever prepared you for that.

Thankfully, after a few years of bitterness between you, the two of you managed to let the past die when your paths crossed in your career. You were cast in his play and ever since then, you kept in touch and used each other as a shoulder to lean on. You even managed to become Henry's honorary "Aunt Y/N"since you and Charlie were so close.

You gazed up at Charlie, his face stained with tears, and motioned for him to come in. He crashed his humongous frame into you, holding you tightly in a hug while sobs and hiccups came from his chest. You rubbed his back, trying to comfort him even though you knew it probably wouldn't work.

"Charlie, it's okay, it's okay. Just come sit down, let's talk about it."

He sniffled and sulked across the corridor, making his way to your couch. He plopped down, pushing his hair back and taking a deep breath in.

"What happened this time?" you asked, almost afraid of the answer he might give. It seemed like a constant battle between him and Nicole. He would fight with her, tell you all about it, and then immediately go back to being "happily married" to her the moment that they made up. It hurt, because after all these years, the feeling never went away for him. And the fact that he turned to you to hear about how broken his marriage was made it so much worse.

"Y/N, I can't do this any longer," he whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes. "She's always against me, there's nothing else I can do to fix it. She never hears me out, she never trusts me, and if I didn't have to worry about Henry, then I would have no problem leaving her right now. But I want Henry to have the perfect childhood and it's obvious that it can't happen because my marriage is fucked." He leaned over, resting his elbows on his thighs, and wiped the silent tears that fell from his brown eyes.

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