Naboo. // Ben Solo

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"This is it."

Ben gestured proudly towards the makeshift picnic he had set up all by himself, smiling and waiting on your response. You grin and hug him tightly, looking at the messily thrown together picnic blanket surrounded by flowers and candles. "It's perfect, Ben." You kissed his cheek and felt his cheeks immediately heat up.

Your big, goofy boyfriend decided to take you out on a special date for the anniversary of his return from the Dark Side. You two had been together for many years, but his downfall into his dark persona, Kylo Ren, put a heavy strain on the relationship and it made it difficult to be around him at all; just seeing him trying to act like this completely different person was almost too much to bare. But thankfully, you stuck around (even if you were distant for a while) and as soon as he had his change of heart, Ben Solo showed up at your door and greeted you with a passionate kiss. From that point on, Ben was home: he was with you.

For this date, it was much different than usual. Instead of staying in together or staying close to your shared home, Ben chose to fly the two of you out to Naboo to have your picnic by the lake. It was stunning, the blue waters shimmering like diamonds in the sun and the beautiful buildings behind you reigning over it. The trees draped over the two of you, creating shade over you both. Ben smiled and carefully lit the candles, trying not to knock any of them over.

     "So, what do you think?" You looked over to him, who was sitting cross-legged across from you. His eyes held a tinge of anxiety; you could tell something was on his mind. You tried not to notice, smiling at him and holding his hand. "It's amazing. It's so beautiful around here, thank you," you replied, stroking his massive hand with your thumb. He chuckled. "I'm glad you love it. We'll have to come back soon since you enjoy it so much."

     Surprisingly, the food that Ben made for the two of you was awesome. He wasn't that much of a chef (his time in the First Order kept him too busy to learn how to cook) but he had managed to make all of your favorite things. He watched you carefully as you ate, sometimes leaning over to kiss your forehead.

     After all the eating was done, Ben moved all of the food away to allow you to lay on the blanket with him. He ran his fingers through your hair, looking into your eyes with lots of love. Your heart soared with adoration for the big and goofy guy you called your boyfriend.

     "Y/N, you know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, right?" Ben asks, sitting up slowly and looking away. His anxious movements returned and he avoided making eye contact for a moment. You placed your hands on both sides of his face, guiding him to look into your eyes. "Ben, I love you. Is everything okay?" you asked in return.

     He quickly stood up and reached for your hand to pull you up. He walked with you across the terrace of the villa until he reached a certain spot, which was covered in wildflower petals and swarming with blue butterflies. The spot had a direct view of the mountains of Naboo; Ben gazed at you as you stared at the view.

     "You know, I've heard that my grandparents got married here," Ben said, breaking the silence. You looked up at him, his tense body standing next to yours.

     "Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker exchanged vows right here, after a secret romance. I've heard that they were absolutely devoted to one another," he continued. You looked up at him in confusion; why was he all of sudden giving you a history lesson on the Skywalker family?

     Ben turned to you, his eyes full of tears. "Y/N, I love you more than I could ever describe. You've been my most loyal friend, confidant, advisor, and most of all, the love of my life. You could've left me at any point, I know I deserved it after all of the things I've done. But you're still here, and I want to ensure you'll always be here."

     He took a step back and fumbled around in his pocket before getting down on one knee. Your jaw drops and you instantly began crying tears of joy. Ben looked up at you with a sweet smile, his eyes full of happy tears.

     "You have no idea how long I've waited to ask this question, so Y/N, will you marry me?" Ben opened the box with a gorgeous crystal ring laying inside and you immediately blurted out your answer: "Yes!!!"

     Ben jumped to his feet and kissed you, slowly putting the ring on your finger as his lips pressed against yours. You held each other for a long time, crying and kissing, as the sun went down on Naboo.

     "I can't believe I finally get to call you my fiancé. I've had this planned for so long, and I'm glad that I was able to propose to you in a place that's so meaningful to my family," Ben admitted to you, his forehead pressed against yours. You wiped your tears away, smiling widely at him.

"Well, my love, I guess we'll have to come back here for the wedding since I'm going to become Mrs. Ben Solo," you responded, holding your hand up to showcase the ring.

     Ben giggled pulled you in for one more kiss before holding you as the two of you watch the night fall over the lake of Naboo.

A/N- i love ben🥺
my fanfics have been getting a lot more reads lately, so thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my stuff! i've had so much fun writing for you all. -bre <3

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