Breakup Support // Adam Sackler

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"Hey, kid."

     Sackler peeped his head in through your doorway, giving you a big, toothy grin. His disposition couldn't have been more unfitting for the moment; your red, puffy eyes and sniffling nose juxtaposed Adam's smiling face.

     "Woah, there. What happened?" He quickly scrambled to be by your side, plopping down on your sofa next to you and taking you in his arms. He hadn't heard from you in a few days, so he wondered what could've possibly happened since he had seen you last.

     "All I can really say is that breakups absolutely suck," you whimpered, nuzzling your face into your hands. Adam shook his head in agreement; he had been through tons of breakups in his lifetime and none of them were ever good.

     Sackler had been your neighbor and friend for a few years now. You moved into the city right as you started dating your (now ex) boyfriend, James. Sackler had been able to observe the highs and lows of your relationship and knew pretty soon that the pairing was toxic.

     Through the thin walls of your apartment, Sackler could hear the heated arguments the two of you had. The threats rang through the room, filling him with rage and jealousy. If that guy was going to be with you, why couldn't he just love you like he's supposed to? Sackler knew that given the chance, he would cherish you and never let you go. You were different to him- you were worth it.

"Kid, don't worry about that asshole, okay?" He wrapped his big arms around you, holding you close as you wept. "I know it's hard, but if we're being honest, the guy was a jerk and he was holding you back. You deserve more," he cooed, stroking your hair.

"I'm not that sad about losing him, I'm mostly just upset with myself that I wasted my time with someone who treated me like shit," you whimpered, sniffling and gasping for air in between sobs. Adam shook his head in agreement. "As I said, he's an asshole," he giggled and smiled, trying to relieve some of the tension.

The room grew silent as he held you, letting you cry to him. His mind was racing; he very obviously liked you (which was something that your new ex couldn't stand) and it was very obvious that you had a soft spot for him as well. The two of you clicked like nobody else ever could and it had been like that from the moment you met as you were moving in years ago, and since then, Sackler had flirted and supported you all throughout your rocky relationship. And the mutual attraction between you two grew stronger as your relationship with James got rockier.

After evaluating the situation and trying to soothe his frantic mind, Sackler impulsively seized his hero moment.

"Y/N, I know now isn't the best time to say this, but all I want is to be able to treat you the way you should've been treated all along. My affection for you cannot be repressed," he quietly admitted, staring into your bloodshot eyes.

Your breath hitched in your chest, your eyes darting up at him in shock. Was this really happening so soon? You had just left a long term relationship just a few days before, and now your hot neighbor was asking you out? You stared at him, wondering if he was being sincere, and was met with puppy dog eyes staring back.

There's no way he can possibly be faking this.

"Sackler, are you serious?" You couldn't help but ask; you could tell that he liked you but this seemed like more than a silly crush.

"I've had to sit around and watch you get completely torn down by somebody who never deserved you for too long. From the moment we met, I knew that you were special and that I wanted to make you realize that," he explained, averting his eyes from yours.

You smiled a little bit. You knew where this was going.

     It was undeniable that his feelings were reciprocated by you. When your ex caused issues, Sackler was the first person you turned to and his outpouring of love and support drew you in every time. He has always been like that with you; when you moved into the apartment building, he helped you carry in boxes before he ever knew you, stayed around so you felt comfortable, and sent fruit baskets to your house every time he felt it was necessary. He had always been the embodiment of the phrase "if he wanted to, he would" towards you. Not only that, but he was painfully good looking, so seeing his godlike physique only added gasoline to the fire of your desires. You wanted him more and more every single day, and it seemed like that window of opportunity was wide open for the taking.

"Sackler, you know I like you too, right?" You wiped your tears and scooted next to him, holding his hand right. His eyes darted back up to stare into yours, his plush lips slightly parted in surprise. "That's why I don't regret leaving. He treated me awfully, it's you that makes me happy."

He tried to play it off like he wasn't shocked. "Of course you like me, how could you not?" Sackler joked, hitting you with his shoulder lightly. When you giggled without a response, his mind went back into its frantic state as he realized that you were being serious.

"I love you, kid," he whispered, hoping to get the same response. You smiled and leaned in towards him. "I love you too, goofball."

     He grabbed your face and hungrily kissed your lips, moving with shocking intensity. "You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that, kid," he huskily said in between kisses, moving his hands to my neck, squeezing gently. You groaned instinctively, your face immediately turning red in embarrassment.

     "You like this don't you? Making out with your neighbor. I'm sure you've wanted this for a while, haven't you?" Sackler teased, pulling you into his lap and running his hands over your curves as he continued kissing your lips. You hummed in agreement, not allowing his lips to leave yours. "Atta girl," he mumbled against your lips.

     He picked me up by my hips as if I weighed nothing, holding me against him. He pulled his lips away from mine as I held onto his body tightly, wrapping my limbs around him. "I guess we ought to make up for all of this lost time, right?" He asked, gesturing towards the bedroom. I smirked. "Yes please," I replied instantly.

A fire ignited in Sackler's eyes; he sprinted over to your room and threw you onto the mattress, taking his shirt off and crawling over to you.

"You ready, kid?" His eyes bore into mine, asking you for consent. You smiled. "Never been more ready in my life." He grinned back, his teeth shining at me and his eyes crinkling up on the corners.

"I've never been more happy to see somebody break your heart, kid. Now you're my girl, and I'm happy to make you feel that," he mumbled against your neck, kissing gently as he pulled the sheets over your intertwined bodies.


A/N: hey, guys! it's been awhile since i've updated, but over the past few days, my number of reads and votes have went way higher than normal, so i thought it was only fitting to finish this draft i started a few months ago.
quite frankly, my life has been pretty busy at the moment. i went through a breakup for a little while (which ended up only lasting for a month after we took some space and fixed some issues), got accepted to my number 1 college, and have been trying to wrap up this semester of school. on a brighter note, i also saw house of gucci and the last duel in theaters while i took my writing break (both movies were absolutely amazing, by the way).
hopefully, the updates will be more frequent now that things are slowing down. thanks for al of the reads and votes while i was gone! -bre<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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