Sleep Talking // Ben Solo

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Ben's POV:

"Mom, I'm home!" "Hi, Ms. Leia!"

     I ushered Y/N into my house like I always do after school. My mom stood at the kitchen counter, waving at the two of us and smiling. "Hey, kid. Big day today?" she asked me, giving me a loving pat on the shoulder. "Not really, just the same old Jedi training with Uncle Luke," I shrugged. At this point, we had been meditating every day for about two weeks. Mom laughed. "Well, at least you're getting somewhere with the training, even if it takes forever."

     She waved us off and Y/N and I went up to my room like usual, going off to play games and laugh together. She and I had been best friends since we were young; we met when we were 5 and have been inseparable ever since. The two of us grew up together, sticking together through everything. Somewhere along the way, I fell in love; the problem is that I had no idea how she felt, so I got used to just being there for her when she cried about boys breaking her heart wishing I had the privilege to take care of her.

Y/N threw herself onto my bed as soon as she walked in, making herself comfortable. "Ben, I'm exhausted. I didn't get much sleep," she groaned, snuggling into the blankets and pillows. It wasn't uncommon for her to come home super tired due to problems at home; she was a loner who pretty much raised herself. I moved to sit next to her, prompting her to sit up. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was about to fall asleep.

She scooted her body right next to mine, looking up at me. Her big, bright eyes gazed into mine and a small smile grew onto her face. "You're the best person I have in my life, Ben. You're the one person I'm afraid to lose," she whispered, leaning her head on my shoulder. I stroked her hair with my palm, twirling it around in my fingers. "You don't have to worry about me going anywhere, Y/N," I whispered back, trying to make her feel safe.

The two of us sat in silence, basking in the presence of each other. My heart was pounding out of my chest, the sound of the beating echoing in my ears. I kept falling faster and harder with every day, and that made it so much more painful to know she only saw me as a friend.

I looked down at her, sleeping on my shoulder. I had no idea when she had fallen asleep, but she was cuddling my arm and smiling in her sleep. I didn't know what to do, so I just kept stroking her hair as my mind went haywire at the sight of my dream girl snuggling me in her sleep.

After a while, she started squirming and squeezing my arm tighter. I could hear her making noises in her sleep as she moved around, trying to get comfortable. All of a sudden, in her sleep, she says four words as clear as day: "I love you, Ben."

My jaw drops and I sit in complete shock, looking down at her and trying to figure out if it was a dream or not. The words repeated through my mind over and over as my hands grew clammy.

After freaking out in silence for a while, I laid Y/N down and tucked her in, making sure all of the blankets were covering her so she didn't get cold. Her eyes fluttered open just long enough for her to pull me in, holding me next to her.

"I love you," she said again, going in and out of consciousness. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you too, Y/N."

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