Dreams // Adam Sackler

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"Good morning, kid."

     Your big boyfriend rolled over, snuggling you close to his chest as you both struggle to wake up. The New York sunrise beamed through the window of Adam's apartment, wrapping the two of you in light and love. He trailed kisses onto your cheeks and collarbones, provoking giggles from you.

     "Good morning, Adam," you replied, playing with his shaggy black hair. He moved his lips up to kiss yours in response.

     "I had the best dream last night," he excitedly whispered, cupping your face in his massive hands. You smiled; this was a regular occurrence in the mornings. Over the span of your two year relationship, Sackler almost always woke up in a good mood, which wasn't common before he met you.

     You propped up on your elbow, examining his face. His big grin made your heart feel like it was doing backflips. His wild eyes bore into yours, waiting on you to ask him about his dream.

     "Tell me about it, love," you swooned, trying to get past how cute he looked. You knew that you would never get used to the way he loved you; no one could ever compare to your man.

     "Well, it started in a courthouse. I stood alone with a minister, waiting on you. Then, you walked through the doors, wearing all white with a veil and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. I married you right then and there, kid. No hesitation, just the two of us at a random New York courthouse. Then, I whisked my beautiful Mrs. Sackler away for an impromptu honeymoon in our apartment because we didn't care about the extravagant shit. All we cared about was each other: being in your presence was sweet enough, and every night of the honeymoon, I took you out to your favorite places and then we came home for a night full of love."

     Sackler's smile never faded as he told you all about his dream. You watched him, twirling his hair in your fingers and feeling the love growing between the two of you. He had that effect on you; he never failed to make you feel special.

     "But then, some weird shit happened. It was like time jumped ahead in the dream. We went from honeymooning in this apartment to a morning kind of like this. We were wrapped up in bedsheets, cuddling as the sun came up. I woke up and said what I always do in the mornings: 'Good morning, kid.' But then, when you rolled over to greet me, you had a huge pregnant belly. Can you believe that? You were my wife, and you had our baby in that beautiful body of yours," Adam exclaimed, holding your waist closer to him and smiling bigger than you've ever seen.

     You couldn't contain the love you had for him, so you leaned in and kissed him passionately, holding his face in your hand. "I love you so much, kid," he whispered in between kisses. "I love you too, Adam."

     Suddenly, Adam pulled away quickly and looked at you with wide eyes. "You know what? This doesn't have to just be a dream," he mumbled, getting up and pacing around the bedroom.

     You furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He turned around to face you, quickly sitting down at your side on the bed.

     "Let's go get married. We could do it today if we wanted. You could go out and get yourself a cute little white dress and a veil and meet me at the courthouse this afternoon so we could make this a reality. I'll wear my nice suit that I only wear for fancy shit and I'll go get you some of your favorite flowers. I want to make you my wife."

     Your jaw dropped instinctively. You shook your head, giving a nervous chuckle. "Adam, this is crazy. We haven't planned anything out," you explained, your heart beating out of your chest. Of course you wanted to marry him, but you always imagined your wedding day being very precise and planned, not spur of the moment like this. That thought scared you.

     "We don't have to have it planned. All I know is that I love you, kid. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone and I'd do whatever it takes to make you mine forever," he cooed, holding your hand and looking at you with puppy dog eyes. You didn't know how to respond.

     Adam looked at you for a while, and then dropped down to one knee, kissing your left hand. "Y/N, will you marry me?"

     You couldn't help but smile. You looked at your sweet boyfriend and nodded your head. "Let's do this. By the end of today, I want to be Mrs. Sackler."

Adam jumped up, picking you up into his arms and kissing you passionately.

     "Thank you for making my dream come true."

A/N: this is so bad but i felt like i needed to write something :/
i can't believe the amount of reads that these one shots have gotten recently, it's more than i ever imagined and i couldn't be more grateful for all of you who take the time to read these.
i'm thinking about taking the "high school sweethearts" one shots i've been writing and turning them into a real, full length fanfic for you guys!
anyways, thank you all for the support. feel free to leave suggestions. love you guys. -bre <3

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