In The Rain // Flip Zimmerman

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"Well, honey, tonight was a success to say the least."

Flip decided to treat you to a rare night out after a successful undercover mission at work. He came home more excited than you had ever seen him, immediately scooping you up against a wall and kissing you intensely to celebrate. That energy had held up through the night, with Flip showing you tons of love and affection.

To put it plainly, Flip felt bad for working all the time. You stayed around the house, going back and forth to work, alone. You two hardly ever got to go on dates like you used to in the honeymoon phase, and he was glad to get to show you off in public like he always did when the two of you went out on the town.

The two of you left the restaurant, his muscly arm wrapped comfortably around your shoulders. You looked up to him to see his big beautiful smile shining down on you as you both walked down the street. His love for you couldn't have ever been more clear.

"Flip, I'm so proud of you," you praised him, reaching up on your tippy toes to reach your lips to his. He grinned. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without a strong woman in my corner. You know what they say, behind every successful man is an amazing girl," he responded, kissing you once more on your forehead. Wow, you thought. This night couldn't get any better.

That all changed when the rain started.

The thunder and water droplets came out of nowhere. One minute, you and Flip were walking peacefully down the street, and the next, you two were soaking wet on a sidewalk. So much for having a nice night without any complications.

Flip could tell you looked defeated. Your eyebrows furrowed and you stomped your foot in frustration, crossing your arms over your chest. He pulled you in close to his chest, silently stroking your back.

The two of you kept walking through the rain in silence until you reached a local bar. The live music echoed out into the streets, which made Flip think of an idea.

"Hold on, gorgeous," he cooed, placing his hands on your waist and beginning to sway back and forth to the tunes as rain fell down on your heads. His forehead moved in to rest on yours, quietly singing along with the song from inside.

Your heart soared. This perfect, flannel-clad man could do anything to make you smile, and this was the perfect way to turn the situation around.

"I love you so much, you know that?" Flip whispered to you, moving you along with the music as the neon lights from the bar's front window shined down on you. "Everything I do, I do for you."

You smiled as he spun you around. You came back around to rest your head on his chest. "I love you endlessly, Flip Zimmerman."

"I promise you, I'm yours forever. Nothing could ever change that, not even my job. Even when we don't get to spend that much time together, I'll always come home to you," he said, trailing kisses all over your face and neck. You giggled, holding him close.

The song came to a close, and Flip kissed you one last time as the rain fell steadily over you two. You stayed in his arms for a while after the song faded out.

He took your chin in his hand, pulling your head up to look at him. "Let's go home, honey." You nodded in agreement.

Flip took your hand as the two of you waltzed back to your home.

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