Angel // Kylo Ren

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"Do you know who you're talking to?!"

     Kylo hid his anger behind his mask, seething at the frightened man in front of him. His day was slowly going to shit and every little thing was getting on his nerves. This unfortunate man just so happened to make a sarcastic comment in the middle of Kylo's rant to the generals about an attack made by the Resistance.

      "I-I'm sorry, Supreme Leader. It won't happen a-again, we'll get the Rebels under control," the general stammered, averting his gaze away from the black helmet that inched closer and closer to his face. "It better not. There's too much to be done, we don't have time for stupid comments," Kylo growled, stepping back and trying to keep his composure. General Hux, who was at his side, saw his body language and chose to wrap up the meeting to give him a breather.

     After summarizing a few battle plans that would be used against the Resistance, Hux dismissed the generals and admirals to go back to their rooms for the night. Kylo have a sigh of relief, taking long strides toward his quarters to see the light at the end of the tunnel: you.

     As he entered the doorway, you felt his presence enter your home. You jumped up from your bed, dressed in a black silk nightgown that Kylo had gotten you, and ran to greet him as he entered. You saw your man taking off his helmet by the door, looking up at you with weak eyes and a slight smile. It was painfully obvious: Kylo was physically and mentally exhausted and he needed a break from it all.

     Kylo absolutely loved being Supreme Leader. He practically bathed in the power it gave him, but it added so much unnecessary stress on his shoulders that he could've never prepared for. His only solace is coming home to you, the only person he treated with love and kindness.

     "Hello, my love," you whispered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tippy-toes to reach. "Hey, angel," he replied, kissing the top of your head and holding you close to him.

     You could sense his mind with the Force; his thoughts were buzzing and he was anxious. You laid your head on his chest. You looked up at him, his eyes bloodshot and his expression solemn. Tugging his hand, you pulled him toward your room. "Come on, baby. Let's go rest."

     Kylo went straight into your room, pulled off his shirt, and then cuddled his face into your chest, curling up in a fetal position. You laid on your back, playing with his hair and leaving kisses on top of his head. "Hard day, huh?" you ask. "You have no idea. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this," he mumbled, his voice breaking.

     "My only happiness comes from you. My life feels like darkness day after day until I come home to see your light. If everyone was like you, then everything would be worth it, but it seems like most of the people I work with try to go out of their way to make things difficult," he rambled, letting it all out to you.

     "Shhh, it's alright. Just let me take care of you, okay?" you whispered, gazing into his teary eyes. He nodded and kissed you softly, holding you close to his body.

     "Take all of this stress away, angel. I know you can," Kylo whispered between kisses, looking at you with fire in his eyes. You smirked; you knew exactly where this was going. "Yes sir," you replied, going to turn out the light.

A/N: 1000 READS! i can't fully express my gratitude, so i decided to put out this soft kylo imagine to try to show my appreciation to everyone who has read, voted, or commented on these silly little imagines. i have decided to start working on a charlie fanfic called "lost time", so the first chapter of it will be out sooner or later (i'll give you guys a heads up when that happens). anyways, thank you so much, and happy reading! -bre<3

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