High School Sweetheart, Part Two // Charlie Barber

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A/N: i enjoyed writing the first one so much that I decided it needed a part two. just like the first one, this deals with infidelity and guilt, so feel free to skip this one if you feel like it's overwhelming. happy reading, friends! -bre <3


"Slow down, honey, there's people around."

Charlie had you pinned in a dark closet in the theater. Everyone was filing out of the building for lunch break, which was his cue to sweep you off your feet. You had been teasing Charlie for the whole rehearsal, batting your eyelashes at him as you said your lines and strutting around, deliberately moving your hips seductively as you walked. He immediately knew he had to get you alone and as soon as he did, his lips trailed all over your body desperately.

It had been months since your mutual decision to pursue a life together, but lo and behold, Charlie and Nicole weren't divorced yet. It pained you to know that he loved you in secret while still going home to the security of a wife and child, even if his marriage was a complete sham.

Charlie kept hinting at Nicole about how divorce seemed like a better option than pretending everything will resolve, but the implications flew right over her head (mostly because she just yelled in response to everything he said anyways). Marriage counselors rotated through their home but nothing ever got better in their relationship. They still resented each other more and more every day. It was obvious to both Charlie and Nicole that they were only trying to keep it together for Henry.

In the meantime, Charlie cast you as the lead for his new play, so you two spent a lot of time together at work. It was just like high school all over again; he directed, you acted your heart out, and in between scenes, the two of you would laugh and take one another in. You couldn't get enough of him, and he couldn't get enough of you.

The days were long, but the times the two of you spent together felt so short. Hours felt like minutes, minutes felt like seconds; it all flew by. Neither of you could wait until the next time you'd cross paths.

"I love you so much," Charlie breathed as he rapidly kissed your collarbone and back up to your face, kicking a closet door shut and letting his hands run all over your curves. You giggled, running your hands through his wavy, soft hair. "I love you too, Charlie, but we need to be careful. Somebody might still be lingering around." "Quite frankly, I don't care. Let them see the girl who drives me absolutely crazy," he responded, smiling against your neck before kissing under your jaw some more and leaving behind faint marks.

You loved moments like this with him, but as his hands explored your body, one thing was on your mind: he's married.

You fall out of your carefree mood and your body language shows that. He slows his kisses and his hands reach the side of your face. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Did I do something?" he asked tenderly, giving you the puppy dog eyes. You shake your head, waving off the concern. "I'm fine, don't worry about me," you mumbled.

"Y/N, you know you can tell me if something is wrong," he said, holding your cheeks in his hand and placing a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes welled up with tears (which he immediately noticed).

"Woah there, please talk to me, honey," he whispered. The tears fell in hot streams down your face uncontrollably; your breath caught in your chest. "I love you more than anything, but this always makes me feel so guilty," you cried, putting your head on his broad chest. He stroked your hair, holding you close to him.

"I promise, it'll be okay. I feel guilty too, but I'm willing to take any risk to be able to have you. I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better," he promised quietly, kissing the top of your head. You nodded and backed away, wiping your tears and standing up straight and tall.

"You know that means you have to leave Nicole, right?" you asked, raising your voice a bit. Charlie looked a bit taken aback, raising an eyebrow at you and crossing his arms.

"Is that what it's gonna take to make you satisfied?" he asked in response. "If so, consider it done."

"I hope it gets done soon, then. You've been saying this for months. If you don't leave her soon, I can't just stick around waiting for your marriage to crumble and burn," you said, walking out of the closet and back into the theater to go eat your lunch alone.

Hours passed slowly since rehearsal ended. You sat in your small apartment, playing sad music and contemplating your conversation with Charlie while watering your plethora of house plants.

As much as you loved Charlie, it wasn't fair to anyone for him to stay involved in a marriage he wasn't happy in, and you sure as hell weren't going to add fuel to that fire. You knew that if you didn't step up and say something for yourself, Charlie would get comfortable with the idea of having you in the shadows and being married Nicole in broad daylight. You weren't something to be locked away from everyone; you deserved someone willing to love you completely.

Your tears flowed as you walked around your apartment, singing along to the breakup songs and thinking about how stupid it was to fall for a married man once again. You wondered if your neighbors in the apartment building could hear you; you wondered if they empathized with your pain.

As the stars shone through your window, you heard a knock at the door. You groaned to yourself as you got up and slumped over to the door, not really wanting company.

You were greeted by Charlie, standing with luggage at his side. You looked at him, confused about what he was doing with his bags packed.

"What are you doing?" you asked. His eyes were wide as he motioned to his left hand, stripped of his wedding band.

"I just left Nicole. Can I stay with you, sweetheart?"

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