At The Movies with Adam Driver Characters

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     Sackler pretty much loved doing anything with you because, as he has told you before, he really commits once he gets settled in relationships. Once you two started dating, he made sure to set aside the time to regularly hang out with you, and one of his favorite ways to do so was to take you to the movies.
     Sackler preferred to take you to see scary movies. He loved holding you throughout the film, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead when you jump from fear, and reassuring you when you get scared. He always made sure that you knew you were safe with him and that nothing would get to you as long as he was there. It made him feel great to know that you felt comfort from him being there.

     Clyde works at a bar and usually gets home late on the weekends, so weekdays are usually when you two get to hang out and go on dates. This meant when you went on your monthly movie date, the theater was always much empty (which meant you two could do whatever you wanted).
     Clyde loved to take you to romantic movies. Even though the plot line was usually cheesy, he took the time to analyze your relationship while watching the fictional ones on the screen, noting the similarities and differences. It made him appreciate your love even more than before; he always felt especially blessed to have you after seeing how no movie romance would ever compare to the perfect one you two share in reality. This usually resulted in slow, passionate kisses in the empty movie theater with soft words of praise between each one: "I love you, darlin'. I couldn't live without you, I'm all yours."

     Paterson's ideal movie night is at home with you on the couch with your favorite comfort movies. After a long day, it was nice to come back home to see his sweet wife and snuggle while watching movies you both know and love.
These movies usually were from your childhood. You both loved to watch Disney or Pixar; pretty much anything animated was good for you. He loved having the feeling of nostalgia with his favorite girl in his arms.

     Charlie loved taking you out and spending time with you, mostly because it gave him the chance to show you off. So, when your movie date nights would finally arrive, he took you to the biggest, most high class theater he could find so you two could dress up and show how great you looked together.
     Charlie cried at every movie he's ever seen (it was therapeutic for him to cry it out at a fictional situation since he's always so busy and can't afford to cry at work), so you would usually went to see dramas. You would hold each other in the fancy theater seats and let the emotions overtake you, but stayed close enough to let each other know that you weren't alone.
     On nights where Charlie felt especially happy, he would take you out to either see old silent films or local theater productions. It was just enough of an escape for Charlie to sit back and relax while holding his lover and enjoying the show.

     Ronnie loved going to the movies with you on one condition: no zombie movies.
     Your sweet husband dealt with a lot of zombie at work as it is, so you two were prone to go see lighthearted comedies at the drive-in theater right outside of town.
     The two of you would pack yourselves into the backseat of his tiny smart car with blankets and snacks to watch the movie from the safety of the vehicle. Ronnie especially loved it because the small space gave you the opportunity to cuddle and enjoy each other's company. Most of the time, he'd doze off before the movie ended, which was fine with you; you were always glad to see that he was resting while he had a chance before going back to work.
     Once the movie ended, Ronnie would always kiss your forehead and hold you tight. "Thank you for tonight, baby. I'm glad so you're mine," he whispered as he hugged you.

Alan skips the movie and goes right down to business (if you catch my drift).

AN: i have major writers block again, so here's a little bit of everything while i wait on inspiration lol. thank you guys so much for the love on all of these imagines! -bre <3

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