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Izuku spent the whole afternoon planning, he needed to train. Not only his body but his mind as well. He knew it would be mentally taxing on him. He would probably run into some traumatizing crimes and situations, he would need to walk into those situations equipped with the proper coping mechanisms. And most importantly, he couldn't do anything if he wasn't able to keep the right mindset for the job.

Finding a suitable place to train was hard. He needed it to be away from prying eyes. That crossed everything off his list, everything but forests and beaches. There weren't any forests close by. And the only beach available was covered in trash... nobody would expect a vigilante's base to be amongst so much rubbish though-

The next problem was what gear he would need for his vigilantism. He figured that he could wear plain black sweatpants and shirt. But what about weapons? I'll probably use a staff or baseball bat, it would be easy to get force behind my swing with those. Maybe knives? What knives. Something light that would do enough damage. Maybe simple daggers would work, or butterfly knives. I'll need boots as well. If I get plain black ones then I could take some old trashed steel from the beach and mold that over the tips of the shoes. Maybe I'd be able to find black paint somewhere to paint over the steel. Having light reflect off of my shoes while sneaking behind someone is a terrible way to give away my location.

He was mumbling, although it wasn't surprising it had to stop. That would tell every criminal his plan and every civilian his occupation. Not very good.

The beach was worse than Izuku remembered. Why didnt anyone clean this earlier? He was glad they hadn't cleaned it, that would mean he'd have to rethink his plan. Looking around he decided to make his base behind a fairly large mound of junk. At the spot he decided he'd need to make a small clearing so he could train, he would use one mound of trash as his home. He needed to hollow it out and make support beams to keep the roof from caving in.

The little clearing was easy to achieve. All he needed to do was pull the rubbish to other heaps around the beach. He found though when he was done he couldn't do much else, his energy was low, he was famished and didnt have enough money. Not even for a bottle of water. He needed money, and if he wanted to survive he needed it quick.

Sitting outside of a small coffee shop Izuku found himself doing the only thing he could think of to get money. Well the only thing he could think of doing after his job application at said coffee shop was rejected. He was begging. It was only the second day since he had left his mother and he had already thrown his pride away. Wow Izuku, you really are living the life, arent ya? And he was feeling sarcasm rush through his veins.

Everyone had been ignoring him. Some showed slight interest in the young teen but would always go back to minding their own business after. You would assume correct that Izuku would jump out of his skin if a stranger were to talk to him. Because he did. A tall man with long tangled black hair stood in front of him. The stranger looked like he was homeless himself, that was until Izuku saw how clean his hair was.

Shit he just said something! "P-Pardon?" His stutter just had to show itself now.

The man seemed irritated, no, he was just tired. "I said, I bought you coffee, and a sandwich." No nevermind he was irritated.

Izuku stared at the man in surprise... until he realised he had looked to long and said nothing. He whispered an astonished thank you. The man had turned around but Izuku noticed something, the man's scarf.

"Wait-t, you're Erasurehead right?" It wasn't a question. Izuku knew it was true. He was looking at the man expectantly. What he expected was a mystery though.

Erasurehead turned back around, his eyes scanning him up and down. He seemed satisfied with what he saw though because he relaxed a bit, "yeah, how'd you know me?"

"You're my favourite hero" Izuku made sure to seem as nonchalant as possible, deep down he was fanboying. Allmight might have destroyed his hope for the hero society  but that didnt mean he didnt have any he still admired.

Erasure looked surprised, until his eyebrows drew together in suspicion. Izuku didnt know why but he didnt question it. Erasure was an underground hero, he probably didnt have anybody who knew him. After a few seconds he turned to walk away and Izuku let him.

Turning to his sandwich he gulped it down hungrily. He was more hungry than he thought. On the walk back to the beach he sipped on his coffee slowly. It was black. Izuku had never had coffee but after today he knew he loved it. This was the start of Izuku Midoriya's coffee addiction.

When he got to his clearing he still had a few hours before sunset. Deciding to not leave for tomorrow what could be done today, he got to work on hollowing out the trash mound for his base. Which was easy. But he soon realised that he would need to line the inside walls of his hobbit hole with metal sheets to keep the water out.

Using a steel pole he found outside his 'base', he peeled off the metal coverings from an old car on the other side of the beach. The rest of the afternoon consisted of him dragging metal back to his base, walking back to the car and prying more off, then dragging the metal back to his base.

Sunset seemed to come in minutes for Izuku, when in reality it had been a few hours. He was sitting by the oceans edge with his feet dipped in the water. He was gazing at the swirling sunset colors lost in thought, water seeped into the bottom of his pants but he paid it no mind. The only thing that he could concentrate on was the feeling of fulfillment today had brought for him. It made him realise that he could prove Allmight wrong, he would prove him wrong. Izuku was going to become a saviour to the people whether the 'heroes' thought he could or not.

That thought was enough to fuel the fire in Izuku's mind. Allmight didnt know what was coming.

A/N: so idk if this chapters any good or not. Nvm I know it was shit. But Izuku has met Erasurehead now. yay . And he's got his base going on. woop woop.

Well anygays

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