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Izuku pocketed the 3DS and the games, pokemon and... pokemon. All Izuku had to do was wait in a fairly obvious spot that Shoto would find him, once 5here he would watch his friend to make sure he wasnt... dying.

Once Izu had reached the spot he sighed and turned to lean against the wall. Looking at the stall Izuku looked at where Shoto was... huh, he was just there? What the shit? Damn I turn my back and he gets kidnapped. "Where could he have gone. Shit, Tomura? What's he doing here today?"

Izuku ran to catch up with his adopted brother, no nobody had adopted one of them, it was just what Izuku liked to call him that because he felt like he adopted Shigy as his brother.

"TOMura?" Izuku's shout turned to a question. Why was his brother trying so hard not to be seen? oh no, what did he do now? He slowed his run until he was nicely gliding beside Shigy. "So bro, mind telling me why you look like you're trying to had from a pedophile?"

"Izu? What the hell are you doing here?" He coughed a bit, too bad they down make chapstick for your throat. "Was pedophile really the first thing that came to mind?"

"Yes it was the first thing, but enough of that. Why did you avoid the question?" He glanced suspiciously at the taller teen and gasped when he came to the realization.

"You're going after that dude who makes quirk erasing bullets!"

"Oi idiot, keep yyour voice down!"

"You keep your voice down!"

"GOD FUCKING DAMNIT-" The surrounding people turned to stare at him which only made Tomura more upset. "Fine I'll keep my voice down.

"Damn why so much attitude crusty?"

"I swear I'll disintegrate your face if you carry on."

Izuku turned back to look at the way they came, still no sign of Shoto. He'd have to trust that his friend could take care of himself. Having said that, Izu couldn't help but keep an eye out for him. He studied every figure that strolled past. He went as far as peering down every alleyway that he and Tomura walked by, all in the hopes that his friend would be there. Dont panic he can handle himself. He's got training and we've gone through some more in depth self defense lessons together. Ok Izuku hes got this, god did I tell him that if someone try's to pull anything on him to make sure that they're the ones that end up in an ambulance and not him. No I didnt. I shou-

"Isnt that Endeavour's son?" Izuku looked hurriedly towards where Shigaraki was pointing. Why is Sho so far away. We've been walking for so long how did he get here? Did he seriously come here to find me?

Sprinting off to his friend Izuku yelled, "SHOTO YOU DUMBASS!" Springing up and on the bewildered boys back Izuku took a minute to embrace him in his koala hug. Until he hit him over the head with the back of his hand. "You idiot I was worried about you? I didnt know where you were, and then I saw my bro and we came here and I looked for you and he pointed you out and I ran." He took a deep breath and was about to continue until Shoto cut him off.

"Izu I'm fine, seriously. Dont give me that look." Izuku continued to give him the 'you arent fine and I know it look' "I'm telling the truth! Now get off me you overgrown monkey!" Shoto shook Izuku off his back like a dog shakes off water.


"Shoto?" Umm why does that sound like Dabi? Oh no, the league know he's the son of Endeavour.

"Touya?" Ok now why is he calling Dabi Tou- oh... oh no. Please dont make me the awkward spectator of your family reunion. They're hugging. Oh god I feel like hiding under a rock, what am I supposed to do?. Oh my gods Izuku stop rocking on your feet. Why are my hands twitching? Am I really that awkward?

Shigaraki had now caught up a d stood beside Izuku. Now we can be awkward together! "Why are they hugging?" Tomura whispered.

"They're brothers."

"They're what?"



"We're brothers dipshit." And here comes another round of Dabi and Shigy shout at each other. In 3



"I don't ask you did I?" Called it. Now Sho and i need to leave before the two attract attention to them.

"Ok guys we'll see you for dinner tomorrow! Bye~" Izu grabbed Shoto and ran. That was a smooth exit.

Once the two were above ground the went and got, yup you guessed it, more coffee. They went to the cat cafe and sat down, the both ate in silence with the occasional petting of the cats. Until Izu pulled out the DS he stole and put it in front of Shoto. "Here is your new addiction my friend."

"Why's it an addiction?" Ahhh Shoto I love your curious nature.

"Pokemon, Dearest Todo, is lifes greatest creation." He slid over one of the games, ultra sun, to his friend. "Now you need to get through the irritating introduction and pick your starter pokemon." Izuku slid into Shoto's booth and watched and supplied the boy with commentary on the pokemon and the game.

Then it was time for Sho to choose his starter. "Who do I choose?"

Laughing at his friend Izuku replied with a simple, whichever one you want.

"I dont want to choose one and hurt the other's feelings." That was it, Izuku had tears streaming from his eyes from how hard he was laughing.

"You- I-" Izuku couldn't talk. His chest and stomach hurt and the cats all looked at him like he was crazy, he was but that wasnt what was wrong this time. He couldn't stop the giggles that erupted. "Shoto I wish I could Express how fucking comical that was."


Izuku could do nothing but let out a small bewildered, "huh?"

"Litten, he looks cute and hes got black on him." I understand that black is his favourite color but whoa. I seriously didnt expect him to pick Litten. At least not with how he views his fire side and his father... hopefully this pokemon helps him get over that.

"Cool, now let's build your team. You have to get mareep on it. Mareep is my favourite Pokemon and we need it. We will have no discussion on that." Laughing and giggling the two boys played pokemon ultra sun for an hour. They also totally crushed Hau.


Shouta watched the two boys out of the corner of his eye. He didnt tell anybody but he was keeping watch over them. They were curious to Shouta, one was obviously the runaway who's case he was put on and the other was less obviously Shoto Todoroki, also a case he was working on. They were doing fine for themselves. Although Shouta found himself 'accidentally' dropping cash near the beach in places only the would find on his morning run.

Damn problem children are lucky they haven't been kicked out from all that noise. Even though he said that, Erasurehead had a soft spot for the boys. He had decided to help them in secret. He would never say it aloud but he would do anything to help the two boys. They deserved more and Shouta was willing to give them that. If Shouta could adopt them, he would. But what good was saying that if he didnt have their trust.


A/n: so the pokemon thing where Shoto said he didnt want to hurt their feelings was something my cousin said when I let him play on my DS. He also picked Litten so I decided to use that here.

Thank you all for reading my crappy writing. And for those of you who comment it really means alot to me.


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