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The heroes on scene stood doing nothing, half of them talked about how they didnt have the right quirk to take down the villain, the other half had the nerve to look away from the victim that they weren't saving.

I was running through the crowd, pushing and shoving people out of my way while I scanned the sludge for any weaknesses. My bag slung off my shoulder and into my hand and in a moment of desperation I threw it at the only solid thing I could find... the villains eyes.

The bag weakly hit him but it was still a distraction. How did I use the distraction? Well I'm glad you asked because in my stupidity I decided to claw through literal liquid to reach the one and only Katsuki Bakugou.

Tears cascaded down my face and landed all around me as I shook my head in denial, I couldn't lose him, even if he was a selfish prick. I faintly recognized heartwrenching sobs echoing around me. Oh wait... I'm the one crying. But it's not only me-. Bakugou was also crying, it was then that I felt like giving up.

My struggles got weaker and the world around me grew fuzzy. I was beginning to get sloppy and I could feel the sludge start to envelope my hand. I yanked back and to my surprise he let go. Or I thought he did until I saw slime coating every surface it could reach and Allmight standing proudly in the centre of it all.

Ahhhhhh shi- mum's gonna be watching this on the news. I dont think I can keep today's new 'punishment' hidden. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckFUCK! She's gonna kill me.

The heroes were berating me on my 'foolish actions', I was fine to ignore it until I heard, "you could've been killed! What were you thinking?"

"What was I thinking? The better question is what you were thinking. There was a civilian being held hostage and none of you did anything! All because you thought your quirks weren't suited to the situation!" They all moved to interrupt but after my 'little talk' with Allmight, it was safe to say I was done with heroes.

"It took me, a quirkless kid, to go in and do something for one of you to help! Some heroes you all are." They were still shouting towards me but I was over it. With my wet bag slung over my shoulder I left. But not before taking the time to realise that Allmight had 'saved the day' and dipped.

What do I do when I get home? She'll beat me for sure. She might even kill me if she was drunk enough. No she wouldn't, she needs me so she can gather her pity for the "poor single mother". Not after today. Shed be too angry to think of that. I cant go home though, maybe I can climb in through the window and... no that wont work I'm on the third story. What if... I was halfway home when I realised what I could do. What if I just dont go home?

And that was how Izuku found himself huddled in a secluded alleyway with nothing but his laptop bag and the clothes on his back, shivering in the cold and wishing he had some cash on him for food.


Izuku woke up to sunlight beating harshly at his pale skin. Not a fun way to wake up. His hair was a mess and his clothes were crumpled.

He groggily sat up and looked around, confusion no doubt overtaking his features. Then it all came back to him... he ran away from home- how am I going to survive? My mum might've been abusive but she still gave me food... most of the time.

Izuku landed up using a local cafe's bathroom. He slipped into the stall furthest to the door and slid his phone out. He went down a rabbit hole of hero alternatives. Police, fireman, the list went on, he was giving up hope until his thumb slid by an article. Maybe he would give this a try.

Clicking into the article he hummed. It was a good idea, hard, but he expected that. Now all he had to do was train and find the items. But that wasn't all. He would need a name.

He shrugged his zipper up and turned his data off so he would have in case of emergencies. Walking out of the bathroom and saying a fast paced thank you to the women behind the registers he left the cafe.

Izuku had made up his mind. He would be Japan's protector. He'd be there to help in the people's time of need. He would look out for the little people. He'd be what he wanted, no, what he needed himself throughout his years of abuse. He would be a vigilante. To help those the heroes wouldn't help themselves.

He could be a hero. Just not in the normal sense of the word.

A/N: idk man. Can you tell how bored I am. But this is fun to write so it's fine. Even if my writing is shit.

Until next time/chapter

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