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"Heya there Tsalty!"

"You know that's not my name."

The room was bland. Much to bland for Izuku's taste, but who was he to complain?

"So~" Izuku's mask was still on, he'd had to threaten some poor officer to keep it on. But his identity was a secret. And as the boy remembered it, he didnt bother hiding his amusement. "Are we gonna get to your questions?"

Releasing a gruff sigh, the detective gave in, "what is your name?"

"Well apparently it's moon." Izuku didnt hide his disgust with the name, not something super awesome, noOoOo- it had to be a floating rock.

"That's not what I- ok. What is your quirk?" Fools! This will be fun.

"I heard somebody comment that it was an agility quirk once." Izuku felt bad for the poor man, his quirk most definitely said truth, although the living lie detector knew it wasnt an answer.

"I've heard that rumour. But what is it, really?" He had a hint of curiosity, Izu was determined to turn that into frustration.

"Well I like to imagine it's an invisibility quirk, that would be awsome, having an invisibility quirk. I'd sneak into the movie theatre"

The detective stiffened. "Just answer the question."

"Are you really ready for the answer?"


"Hmm, I dont think you are." Izuku really didnt. When the man detected truth he would assume the worst, when in reality, he wasnt ready to hear that the vigilante had accomplished so much quirkless.

"JUST TELL ME YOUR QUIRK!" now he's upset.

"I cant tell you that-"


"-because I dont have one."

Silence. Dead silence, it was beautiful. Now maybe they would see that the quirkless weren't weak, that they can become heroes too.

"Excuse me a moment." The detective rushed out, locking the door behind him. Izuku pushed his feet onto the table looking at the one sided window, where the detective was no doubt conferring with the heroes on the other side.

Placing his head on the desk, the vigilante tried to rest. Until he was interrupted by the obnoxious squealing of the door's opening hinges. Looking up he met eyes with the equally tired Aizawa Shota.

"How old are you?"

"Well hello to you too Erasurehead."


"If you really want to know, technically if I wanted, I would be one of your hero students." He spat the word hero as if he was riding his mouth of acid. It was disgusting.

"Have you met Stain face to face."

"Yes" Izuku smirked at the shock on the hero and detective's faces.

"Well dont just sit there gaping, ask me."

"Ask you what?"

"If I helped Stain kill that hero you mentioned to me on the way here." Smiling, Izuku leant back and watched the two, the only one prepared was Erasurehead when he continued.

"Did you Help Stain kill."


"Were you with Stain when he killed."


"Were you aware of his intentions to kill the hero."

"No." He never said he was killing the hero, he could've been stalking and or torturing them for all I knew.

The detective nodded to Erasurehead.

"Well it appears you're  innocent. But you still arent free to go, we need to discuss your vigilantism."

Izuku smiled and secretly pressed his call mamagiri button. "Oh, but you see, I'm not a vigilante."

"Stop with your games." Damn Tsalty is salty today.

"What games? The law clearly states that to be a vigilante, you must use your quirk to perform heroic deeds without the form of a hero liscence."

"I'm a detective, I know the law."

"Obviously not that well. I'm quirkless, I'm not a vigilante, I cant get in trouble for the fights because i never threw the first punch. My friend also doesnt use a quirk, and also has never thrown the first punch." Izuku didnt hide his snide giggle. "I'm doing more than your heroes. Even better, I'm doing more than you." Izuku stopped not wanting to run salt in the wound.

The detective laughed, "and how are you doing that?"

"I currently have tapes from Endeavour's mansion- and before you stop me, it was not theft, it's in my possession because of the doing of a Todoroki- and I have the equipment to air it live. And I've got people to bring it to court, and precautions in place so that there will be no paying his way out of it." Oh that was salt with a lovely drenching of hand sanitizer.

Izuku knew that the detective hadnt done anything to move against Endeavour, but if it was fear stopping the man, Izuku wasnt scared.

Without warning, alarms rang off and gunfire followed.

"Sorry guys, it appears my ride is here." Springing from his seat Izuku leant casually against the wall, the underground pro ran to help with the 'battle' outside, it was really a distraction to get Izuku out. But who was Izuku to tell the hero that.

When Izuku felt the ground beneath his feet disappear, he saluted the detective as he fell into the bar. Laughing, Izuku lounged on the nearest bar stool as the other league members walked through one of Kurogiri's warp gates.

"Hey guys! Did you know I have a vigilante name?"

Grumbling on his way, Tomura plonked himself onto a seat beside the vigilante. "Did you know that most people dont ask random trivia about themselves after being smuggled out of a police station by villains?"

"Hmm I guess you're right." Izuku looked away, " but they named me Moon, like What kind of name is that?" Izuku was pouting at Shigy. And being the good brother figure he was, he grabbed the green haired boy by the scruff of his neck and dragged him into his room.

Sprawling on the couch, Tomura turned on some absurd action game and made Izuku play with him.

After forty minutes of playing, Izu found he was getting good at the game, and the character was almost OP. "Yo, crust face, who am I maining?"

Shigaraki ignored the name and smirked. He pulled up their character's stats and general knowledge page. "You're playing as Moon, he's a rare character who obviously has insanely unfair stats."

"M-moon?" Izuku looked at the other with wide eyes.


The green haired boy was close to tears but held himself together. "Why did you have to be so sappy, there were tons of other ways to make me feel better."

"Well I guess I just enjoy watching you leave the bar with puffy eyes, especially when Toga teases you."

Punching the villain in the arm, Izuku decided to take his leave. "Ok I'm going now, Shoto's probably eaten all our chocolate already, bye!"

After receiving a simble goodbye Izuku left. Once on the streets he couldn't help but laugh when he heard a shrill, "WHERE'S THE CHOCOLATE CAKE!" It was painfully obvious that Shoto had visited that day.


A/n: I dont know if this chapter is good or not, but my bird just screeched in my ear and now its ringing...


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