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Shoto's school year had started, that left Izuku alone during the day. Not that he minded, he was familiar with the loneliness after all.

Days started blending together, leaving Izu in boredom induced agony. He was busy all day, all night, and then he was busy doing the same thing the day after. Endeavor was a difficult man to build a case on, even more so difficult to kill. The vigilante didnt want to kill the number two hero, but if his plan to get the man apprehended and behind bars failed, well then he'd have to kill the man. If Endeavour got out of his neccessary sentence then bed still be able to pay to keep all his crimes under wraps, the vigilante wouldnt have that.

The tired, insomniac vigilante had so far gathered enough evidence to put most away for a lifetime, it was just that this was a hero. If a hero were to be locked away then what would that show to the public of the hero society's conduct? Shit. It would show that the modern hero society was doing shit.

This afternoon the two vigilantes would take a nice field trip to the Todoroki mansion. Or Shoto would, Izuku needed to stay behind and keep Erasurehead off of his friends trail. The damn hero wouldnt leave the two alone, erasure found himself stuck to the vigilantes like some sort of ultra super glue.

Distracting Erasurehead seemed easy enough. All he'd need to do was prance around and stop some small crime. By the time Erasure realised that something might be up the job would be done.

Gliding into the bar, Izuku's coat fluttered around him, leaving a mysterious and ominous pressure in the air around where he sat himself. The boy didnt spare a glance at what appeared to be two newbies to the Leagea, he opted to wait on his stall for Kurogiri to complete his milkshake that he didnt need to order.

"Who are you?" Just ignore them, it'd be truly tragic if I were to waste my breath on them.

"Oi! Kid, he asked you a question." Damn villain should learn to shut his mouth.

"Hey!" Izuku was roughly shoved by the first scumbag. By then he'd had enough.

The vigilante had the boy pressed against the table with a knife on his neck in seconds. "Now I suggest the next thing you say be an apology, if it isnt you might regret it." A murderous aura that Izuku didnt know he could emit hung thick in the air, freezing the room's occupants in their places.

"What can you do? Huh? You're like what twelve?" Despite the threat and the room's mood, the other criminal spoke. They're both foolish if you ask me. But now I have to keep promise. But what would make them tremble with the regret they should by now already have.

Not even a second later Izuku had unpinned the villain and wedged his blade clean between the man's knuckle, cutting the tip of his finger clean off. Izuku, although he wasnt one to be this sadistic, found satisfaction in the bleeding man's apologies. I just wish I didnt need to cut him up to get it.

Turning to the other, Izuku gave an expectant glare, "well?"

"Izuku I believe you have dirtied my bar enough, here is your milkshake." Izuku sat down and was internally grateful that mamagiri had stopped him, although he wouldnt admit it to anyone.

Muttering a thanks, the vigilante started to dig in. With his senses zoomed into the creamy goodness, the boy didnt notice his brother figure walk in and plop onto the stool next to him until the man started the conversation. "We'll launch our attack on UA soon."

"Oh really?" Trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, he took a sip of his drink and slightly turned and watched his brother.

"Class 1A will be going to an unforeseen simulation joint."

"Uhuh..." Izuku turned more and locked eyes with Tomura. "And where did you receive this information."

"I destroyed their front gate a couple of days ago so our traitor could get it." Poor idiot is so proud.

"So, you're telling me that not only does UA know your quirk. But you also have somebody who is training to be a hero, come here to give you information on the heroes he's training with?"

The other nodded his head then froze. "How would they know my quirk?" The shock on his poor face.

"They could just grab an analyst to check out the gate you destroyed... or did you not use your quirk." After receiving confirmation that he did in fact use his quirk, the boy continued, "were you at least in the blind spot?"

"OF COURSE I WAS, I'm not a fool." Izuku gave a look that said 'you sure about that?' And hopped off his stool.

Strutting towards the door, the vigilante turned back and smiled. "When you go to UA, remember to stay away from my kill."

One of the idiot newbies oh so very bravely shouted, "and who might that be?"

Laughing Izuku quickly turned dead serious. "All might." With that the vigilante strode through the door, slamming it on his way out.

Now Izuku needed to focus on getting Endeavour before he killed All might. He had promised himself that Endeavour deserved to go first. Only because if All might fell while the flaming trash was still around, the idiot would become number one hero. Izuku and Shoto were both very diligent on keeping that from happening.


Shoto sat frozen as the man who was literally tracking him every night, lectured him and his class. Without any suspicions that Sho was the one he tailed on the streets. I'm so doomed if he recognizes my fighting style. I should just act worse than I am, cant be too hard. Right?

It was indeed hard. Hero training seemed near impossible to survive when he couldn't block that blow he wasnt supposed to see coming. He found it harder still to let his classmate carry out his sneak attack, while Shoto just stood like an idiot and pretended to search for the civilian bots.

He hadnt used his quirk, not because he couldn't, but because he didnt use it on his nightly patrols. There was never any need to now that he carried his blades. He didnt see a need to use his quirk, and in all honesty, Shoto didnt know how much control he would have over them after such misuse.

Checking the clock in the observation area, Shoto sighed. They still had another hour of training and mock battles. It was going to be a long hour.


A/n: I thought I'd posted this already. Thankfully one of you dear readers reminded me. And now I must go do an english assignment and hope I pass the year.


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