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Izuku had started to go on patrol a week ago. It was hard, he came home physically and mentally exhausted. When he got to the bar after his first patrol Izuku was sure he had broken a rib, maybe even two. He was new to the job but he had training from an underground league of villains, at the very least he knew how to stay hidden.

Luckily for him, managiri watched out for him when he stepped in to fight. If it wasn't for the overbearing motherly instincts of Kurogiri, Izuku would one hundred percent be dead.

Sitting on the barstool beside Tomura, Izuku had his -stolen- laptop in front of himself. His hands flew across the keyboard as he searched for shit on Endeavour. He had security footage of the man "training" his youngest son, Todoroki Shoto. He was working to find footage from years before. In his research he found out that the asshole had two other sons the only problem was that one of them had dissapeared from the face of the earth.

Izuku had done a deep dive into the web to find the oldest Todoroki son, Touya. Although he decided to make a separate case for the disappearance of the Todoroki, he didnt know if he might need more information on him to make Endeavour's case more solid.

Todoroki Touya, faked his death at 13. Quirk: cremation. Last footage found five days after he was 'confirmed' to be dead. Father discontinued his training when he was eigh- "-zuku, IZUKU WAKE THE FUCK UP!" of course Tomura had to shout straight in his ear, what kind of bro-friend would he be if he didnt.

"What?" After a while of staying with the villains Izuku had started sounding more uninterested. It was an act of course, most of the time at least. Dabi had even told him that he had "taken moody teenager to the extreme."

When he turned around he saw Dabi with a knife at his throat, kurogiri calmly cleaning his glass and Shigaraki looked at him expectantly. I missed something. Did someone ask me a question. "Huh?"

"I said," Izu turned to look at the man holding a knife to Dabi's neck. Oh I thought that was toga. "I'm looking for your little league's hacker."

"Hmm the league doesn't have a hacker, right?" Izuku turned to Shigaraki for confirmation, he received none. ...nobody here knows how to but Kurogiri and he doesn- oh, OH "YOU MEAN ME?!?"

"I dont see any other hackers here Izu."

Ignoring Shigaraki Izu turned to the intruder, "I haven't helped the league in that area. I think you have the wrong hacker."

"You were fishing for info into me weren't you?" I only started working on the Todoroki cases and I dug into other vigila- it was then that he got a good luck on the man, the red scarf was a giveaway to who he was how did I not notice?

"What do you want Stain?" He was back to moody teenager mode. Stain didnt seem to care about the change in tone, or he did and his it.

"I want to know where Endeavour usually patrols on Tuesdays. The heroes here are onto me I need to be quick."

"Endeavour is mine." Izuku let out a low guttural growl. "Dont. Fucking. Touch. Him. The bastard's mine to get."

When Izuku was nine his mother found out that his grades were dropping. She cut him off on his way home after school and pulled him aside into an empty alleyway. She smiled sweetly, izuku knew nothing good came from that face. Inko had grabbed his hair and pushed his face to the floor, her smile never wavered. "Izuku darling, mrs Fletcher tells me that your grades are slipping in English. Is that true?"

Excuses and sorrys slipped past his lips. It wasn't the right response. Inko's grin melted away and Izuku found himself longing for it back, anything was better than the murder in his mother's eyes.

She smashed his head to the ground keeping a fistful of his hair to do it again, and again. The boy was disoriented and when he next looked up he felt a bottle smash over his back.

"My own fucking piece of shit son can't even keep his grades up." She spat on him and left. Five minutes went by and the floof still hadn't gotten up. When he built up the courage to finally try a broken scream erupted from his lips. He sat panting and looked to see a shadow at the entrance to the alleyway.

There at the mouth of the alley was Endeavour. Izuku asked for the hero's help, he begged when the hero turned and he screamed for him when the flaming garbage walked away, out of sight.

Snapping back to reality Izuku found Stain staring at him with interest. But there was a calculating glint in his gaze.

"Okay then I'll need Ruin's patrol schedule." Stain released Dabi and went to look over Izuku's shoulder.

Giving in Izuku found the information with ease but tilded his screen away from the vigilante gone villain. "..." Izu gave the man an expectant look.

"I dont have money kid."

"Ahhh well then I guess you dont have a certain hero's schedule either." The floof turned to close his laptop but paused at the irritated sigh from the other.

A rough black dagger thanked onto the table. It was curved and deathly sharp. The pommel was adorned by a singular emerald. "That's all I can give."

Izuku took the blade and turned his screen towards the villain. When the man was satisfied he simply walked out mumbling something along the lines of "fucking kids these days."

Izuku was left to sit and examine his dagger. He sliced through thing air and it fell into to parts. "THIS SHITS BROKEN!" Shigaraki and Dabi burst into fits of uncontrolled laughter.

Izuku grabbed the two parts and stared in amazement at what was now TWO daggers. He had no idea how to piece them together though. Once the two older boys had calmed down some they ended up laughing at Izuku again as he tried clanking the two blades together.

When it had finally fit together to make one beautifully solid, steady weapon that definitely couldn't break into two, Izuku stood with his laptop to continue his case on Endeavour. And maybe he also wanted to play with the new blade he had. He did love his toys after all.


A/n: so this one is shorter than usual. I've been busy lately so I obviously haven't had time to update. So this is just me feeling like writing but having no idea what to write bc I cant write the next big part of the story bc it'll take too long and I have no time right now.

Also yes, I have put my least favourite teacher in here. Ann dont come at me.

Anygayyyyy I dont have anything else to add soooooo...

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