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Shoto stalked toward the man, keeping his sword sheathed at his side. The man's grin widened as he lifted his blade.

He swung, but Shoto struck, ramming his fist into his arm, sending the blade soaring through the air. In the same breath, his palm hit the thugs left arm, knocking it aside, too. As he staggered back, Shoto's leg came up, and the thug's eyes bulged as his foot slammed into his chest. The kick sent him flying, and his body crunched as it hit the floor.

"Hurt anybody again," Shoto spat at him, "and I'll do that with my sword the next time."

It had been a week since Erasurehead had confronted the two vigilantes and unfortunately Izuku had fallen ill. Kurogiri wouldnt let the poor boy leave his room in the L.O.V which meant that Shoto had to go on patrol alone.

Shoto was getting better now, he could scale a wall quick as the flash and every time he snuck up behind one of his targets he seemed quieter and quieter. As Shoto grew surer of his abilities, Izuku grew to feel stronger and stronger, the two boys hoped that he would be fully recovered soon so that he could see Sho in action.

Walking away from the low life idiot, Shoto didnt let his awareness of a new presence or his raised hairs show.

Walking back down to the League's base, Shoto took the long way, the 'Scenic Route' if you will. He made it appear as if he were still taking his patrol route and not heading home for the night.

It obviously didnt work because nothing seemed to ever go right in Shoto's life.

How do I avoid this. I'm not going to confront him. No fucking way in hell that's gonna happen. Oh shiiiiii- I dont know where they are now.

Shoto nervously tried to figure out where the stranger had gone, he could feel his presence but not the direction it was coming from.

After cautiously walking around the area Shoto decided that it was just paranoia, and he was proven right when he got to the base an hour later and nobody trapped, attacked or confronted them.

Getting into Izuku's room, Shoto drawled out a long "Izuuuuuuu-" and plunked himself on the other's bed. The sheets were soft and... lumpy. Hopping up the boy tore the sheets off from the bed and fell backwards. "What are you doing there? I thought there was some sorta dead thing under there not you!"

"We're watching She/Ra!" Eri pumped a fist in the air and smiled. She got along with Izu and Shoto almost as well as she did with Kurogiri. The man had done well to full the role of mamagiri for the child, nobody suspected any thing else.

"Its on Netflix." Izuku said it as if it explained anything. "Adora and Catra need to get together tho.." the boy paused in thought and suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree. "How was patrol?"

"Hmm it went well."

"Is that all?" Disappointed by the response Izuku settled back down again with Eri, only this time he left space for Shoto to join. Jeez he sounds like he wanted to here about me getting attacked by Allmight or come across some weirdo person trying to sell me candy. Oh wait...

"Although about halfway through I felt like there was somebody following me, watching me even. I just couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I doubt it was anything though because nothing happened."

Izuku looked in thought, "huh, how odd." That was the end of the conversation although Shoto knew that his friend was still thinking about it. It was troubling the boy and if Izuku was troubled then Shoto was troubled.

Nothing more was said on the topic and the three continued watching She/Ra. Although Shoto had missed a few episodes he soon found himself encapsulated by the program. Not even half an hour later, the three were found sleeping by Shigaraki who proceeded to take pictures for his blackmail collection. Just in case.


"Soo~ how are things between you and Dabi going?" Spit flew from Shigaraki's mouth almost in slow motion. Smirking, Izuku continued, "That bad huh?"

"YOU BRAT!" Well all my shit is gonna get decayed now. Instead of throttling the boy, Tomura gathered his sanity and pinched the corner of his lips into what he thought was a charming smile, my man looks like a frisky cat that hasn't discovered chapstick. "If you're that interested in my love life that must mean you're not getting it yourself."

"Dude. Not cool to call me out like that." Izuku's smirk slipped into a frown and he turned back to watching mamagiri make breakfast.

Waking up, Izuku found himself never to sleep next to cuddlers again. He woke up with both Shoto and Eri wrapped around him, to get out Izuku had to wiggle through like a snake. He wasnt to happy about that to say the least.

"Why so grumpy? I heard from a special someone that you got a great sleep." I'm gonna kill him if he says another word. Why must Dabi embarrass me like this?

"Damn, dude! That's so cool, someone special also told me something. But I guess it isnt as interesting." Izuku didnt bother to hide how snide his smirk was becoming, instead he turned to his newly arrived breakfast and thanked Kurogiri.

"Huh, and what exactly were you told?" Poor Shigaraki doesnt know how to hide his interest. Very well, it pays into my pretty game.

"Oh, just some news on a certain hero school..." Izuku let his speech die down with faith that the two will latch on.

And they did, "UA?!" It's so easy to get what I want here.

Laughing Izuku added, "oh it's nothing special, just someone new who's working there this year."

"Izu there arent any announcements on the UA website about a new teacher."

"You poor things think that they'd tell the world about this? Of course not! Could you imagine what a certain league would do if they knew that the number one hero was working at UA?"

"How do you know for sure?"

"My chats with the principal are very fun, you see. He trusts me enough to tell me about the hero I hate most, well, he doesnt know how I feel for him."

With that Izuku dug into his breakfast and ignored the two flabbergasted idiots.

Hopefully they'll launch an attack to bring down the number one. I better stay alert so that I ca join...


A/n: yeah idk, I'm busy but here's a chapter. Thanks for reading my crap


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