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Shouta was very aware that Moon was only a teenager, the boy had told him himself. But he wasnt going to tell everyone else on the case. Why? Well Erasurehead wouldnt admit it, but he was becoming fond of the vigilante.

When his little 'meeting' with the principal had fully settled in Shouta's mind, well he laughed. Ladies and gentleEnbys, the one and only Shouta Aizawa laughed. Cackling like a madman, he could only imagine everybody's faces once they found out that they were (very unsuccessfully) catching a teenager. No, not one teenager, TWO!

He knew that his laughter was out of character and abnormal, but he didnt care. So when he heard his husband and other coworkers whispering about him he laughed harder.

"Damn Hizashi... do you... do you think he killed someone?"

"No that's not his evil laugh. That's his 'I'm revelling in your horror' laugh."

"How do you know his different laughs."

"Nem, we're married. I've learnt what laughs to be scared of."

A hand was placed on his shoulder, gently tugging him to face his husband... who screeched at the sight of his smile and threw himself behind the couch for cover.

"NEMURI! THATS HIS 'I know something that you dont but I'm keeping it to myself because I'm evil' smile!"

Midnight, who was also hiding behind the staff room furniture, lowered her voice to add the imaginary effect that Shouta wouldnt hear what she was saying. "Maybe if you slut drop in front of him he'll forget about it and take his scary smile elsewhere."

That had Mic standing up and glaring down at the R rated hero. "I told you that I'm not going to slut drop for your youtube!"

Standing defensively, Nemuri pouted. "But if I asked any other time you would've."

"That's because this time you want to make an onlyfans account with my pictures on it!" With that Aizawa tuned out the conversation. Another thing that Shouta knew: his husband already had an Onlyfans account.


Luckily for the two vigilantes, their hoods were made to keep their shape on their heads, which meant that nothing could knock them off. Nothing included a thug with an insanely strong wind quirk.

Between jumping, lunging and kicking, the boys were soon going to become worn out. The vigilantes caught eyes and a silent second long conversation was held, next thing they knew, Izuku go caught by a torrent of wind. Slamming into everything in the way, he was launched into the wall of a low income tattoo parlor.

Almost comically sliding down the wall, Izuku landed on the floor in a heap. He was sure there was a sizable dent in the wall now. Oops, I hope the store owner wont be too angry. Groaning, he lifted his head and blinked away his fuzzy vision.

"Moon!" Shoto scrambled towards him, skidding to a halt. "Oh shit, can you hear me? Dont move I've got this. Shit-" Fire turned to stare down the villain, "You'll pay for that."

How to take down windy boi, step 1: make him think that you're out of the picture making him put all of his attention on your partner.

Shoto veered the villain to look at the other side of the street. Step 2: dont let him see you. Standing up, Izuku crept behind the thug and broke apart his dagger, his twin blades glinted dangerously in the moonlight and left reflections on the surrounding shop windows.

The villain, who Izuku dubbed wind boi, whirled to face him, bringing and arm up to shove him away with one of his strong currents. As Izuku leapt into a forward flip over wind boi, he realised that the man's quirk hadnt activated. Which meant one thing.

"FIRE! Look out for Erasurehead!" As much as the two trusted the man, they wouldnt put it past him to try and capture them as soon as the villain was immobilized.

"Copy. On your left!" Following his partners command, Izuku turned and struck out, his blade met another smaller one. At least he isnt stupid enough to put his trust in his quirk completely.

Sparks danced around their blades, igniting a fire in Moon's eyes. "Would you look at that Fire, somebody thinks he can best my blades." Sidestepping the villains lunge, Izuku giggled to himself. "But I'm starting to feel sorry for him, being so useless with such a well crafted knife must be terrible."

Shoto had taken a step back from the fight to do a scan of their surroundings. Izuku didnt need help now that windy boi didnt have his wind. But the boy was pretty sure the other was looking for Erasure.

"Aw, I'm getting rather bored." Izuku jumped back, smiling devilishly at the criminal even though his mask hid it. "I'm assuming you dont have anything else up your sleeve to entertain me. No?" After recieving no answer as the man tried to get passed Izuku's defense the boy sighed. " I was really hoping you had something, it cant be helped." Moon ducked under the next jab at him and angled his blade towards the Man's ribs, letting it glide between them.

Drawing back the vigilante let out a huff of annoyance at the stumbling thug. Lunging back towards the man, he grabbed the blade protruding from the man's chest while slamming the blunt edge of his other into the sweet spot of the man's neck.

He fell backwards, out cold. Bending down to clean his blades on the man's shirt, he started to pat him down with his free hand. Soon be pulled out lock picks and ziptie's.

"Damn, I dont know what he planned to do with these but they at least wont go to waste." Pocketing the lock picks and securing the man's hands and legs with the zipties, Izuku looked upwards towards the underground pro hero.

Moon and Fire drew themselves to their full height to watch as the hero walked to a comfortable distance away from them.

"Thank you for your assistance Erasure." Shoto, the civil one, started. "But I'd like to know why, exactly are you here?"

Izuku faked a gasp as he lifted his hands towards his heart. "It cant be! Fire, I think he's here for us." He swooned, "Erasurehead really does care for us."

The older man sighed and took a step closer causing the two vigilantes to go on alert.

"Moon... Fire. We need to talk."

Izuku guffawed. "Why would we do that?" The boy was nervous. Erasurehead had never sought either one of them out when to talk to them, well, not like this.

"Because I know your identities."


A/n: henloooo. TIS I, THE AUTHOR. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. yeah idk man. Anygay I hoped you enjoyed and that you forgive me for having Izuku cut off Tsalty in text.


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