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A week into working on his base in the beach Izuku felt drained. He had worked nonstop on his little house and had pushed his body to its limits while training in the afternoon. Suffice to say he was in need of a break.

Training and building had caused him to gain more muscle, although doing it on an almost empty stomach every day he had lost weight. He hadn't lost too much that he looked bad, no he had lost his extra baby fat that had never left... and a bit more. Although he hadn't lost much weight his clothes still hung on him.

This led Izuku to his next decision which he had pondered over that week. How was he going to get clothes? He could sit and beg for money while he looked bad and began to smell bad. Or he could turn to theft. Although that would make him a criminal which he aimed to stop. But seeing as he wasn't a vigilante yet what was the harm?


It was very harmful.

Izuku had gone to a corner store a bit further away from the beach. He had walked in while it was at its busiest, when the cashiers were all busy he nabbed some plain trousers and a top and ran.

He had gotten away with it. There were no sirens and no heros after him. He started to loosen up until he saw Endeavour walking his way on the opposite side of the street. Instead of acting as non suspicious as possible... Izuku made a run for it.

Sprinting through random alleyways Izuku could feel heat behind him. Not a good sign. He was twisting and turning around corners, Endeavour kept up though. Fuck shit fuckshitcrap! BAM. Landing on his but Izuku looked up at the wall he'd run into then frantically behind him. He was dazed but he could escape right?

Endeavour rounded the last corner and Izuku was scared he was gonna shit his pants. He looked at the wall in betrayal and backed up. Every step Izuku took backwards Endeavour would match going forwards. The 'hero's lifted his fist and sent it flying towards Izuku.

It never hit him. Opening his eyes Izuku found himself in an old bar. Odd. There were only two people there, one with light blue hair and peeling skin. He was scratching at it no wonder it was so bad. His hair was falling in his face but Izuku could slightly make out his dry skin and lips. Has he ever heard of chapstick? Or lotion?

The other man was wearing a tux. He stood behind the bar cleaning a glass that already looked spotless. He seemed to be made of some sort of mist or smoke. Izuku had been staring for too long. He was being awkward again.

"So... uhhh, hi?" Izuku waved shyly. Crusty man made no move to reply nor did he give any indication that he had heard. Misty simply left the room. Tough crowd.

"So why exactly was a child like you being chased by the number two hero... outside of my headquarters?" Izuku turned to crusty and found himself regretting looking him in the eyes. He was glaring. But Izuku could see an ounce of curiosity in his state.

"I-I I- ummm... borrowed some clothes and umm... he didnt like that?" Why did that sound like a question?

"Who's  clothes were they?"

"The corner store's between 4th and 5th." His voice was barely above a whisper but the other boy heard him.

Loud booming laughter appeared to erupt from the other boy's throat. He was no longer looking at Izuku menacingly, he was instead holding back little fits of giggles. Izuku on the other hand went a deep shade of red from embarrassment.

"The names Shigaraki." He held out his hand and Izuku gladly took it although he was a tiny bit confused. He noticed though that Shigaraki kept his pinky finger lifted. A touch based quirk. It probably uses five points of contact. Especially if his fingers raised. Harmful as well by the looks of it. Otherwise he wouldnt care about touching me.

"I-Izuku." You had to stutter?!

After that mist boi walked in again. He stopped at the entrance and his eyes seemed to study us. When he deemed us fine he walked behind the bar and picked up the same DAMN GLASS and started cleaning it.

"Shigaraki why dont you and your new friend go talk somewhere else? Everybody will be back soon and I doubt the green bean will enjoy the attention." Shigaraki scoffed at him but still stood up anyway. He walked towards the stairs and glanced back at the green floof.

"Are you coming?" Breaking out of his small trance Izuku nodded and ran to catch up. His head was swirling with thoughts. How did I get here, was I teleported. What about the 'hero'. Who are 'the others' why haven't they called the police on me yet?

He found himself in what he assumed was Shigarakis room. On the desk in front of Izuku was a gaming PC, on the wall above it and surrounding it was posters from multiple video games, some of which he hadn't even heard of. There was a bed with plain grey sheets. And in the corner on a small table was what Izuku was most surprised by. Hands.

Shigaraki caught him staring and smirked. He led him over to his bed and sat him down. "Dont worry about those, they're just for my villain suit." Hrs a villain?! How can he be so nonchalant about that. Why is he a villain? What turned him towards that. Theres no way he just enjoys it. Did a hero betray him like me?

Shigaraki seemed to sense his questions and put them to rest quickly. "I didnt always want to be a villain. Its just because when I needed the heroes the most, they ignored me. And so did everybody else. They didnt see any need to help me because they were to high on the ranking to do something or they thought someone else would." Is he gonna just spill his whole backstory right here right now? What is this, fanfiction?

"Then my master found me and helped me." He really is spilling his life story. "He showed me how broken the hero society is and has given me the tools to fix it." He looked at Izuku with determination in his gaze. Determination for what, izuku didnt know. "I've realised that some villains are more heroic than any of those 'heroes'."

"I guess we arent that different... although I'm not a villain, I plan to be a vigilante so I can shove my middle finger in Allmight's face so he can see that he was wrong and broke my dreams for nothing because I'm better than him, because I WILL be a hero just not the kind of hero that they are. I'll show everybody how shit the hero society is. And the- oh my god I'm rambling, I'm so sorry." He cut himself off and his cheeks went red. Way to go Izuku, you just spilled your whole plan.

"So how far have you gotten with being a vigilante?" Izuku looked up in surprise and saw genuine interest on Shigaraki's face.

"Well I-I haven't even started training for it really. And I dont have the equipment and suit..." his voice trailed on and he sat scratching the back of his head in awkwardness.

"I'll help." Umm what?

"I said I'll help." Damn I said that out loud.

"Y-You dont need to I'm fine." He reassured the other boy quickly although awkwardly.

"Nah, we have similar goals. I'd rather help you than find out that some NPC killed you on your first day out there." He has a point.

"Deal?" He held his hand out and Izuku hesitantly shook it. Excitement and nerves filled his body and left his stomach doing backflips.

"When d-do we start?" Izuku shakily looked up at the older boy and saw a twisted smirk settled on his face, it didnt show any hint of ill intent, Izuku realised that the boy just battled to show positive emotion in a... normal way.

"Tomorrow." That was on Monday. It dawned on Izuku that he had a long week ahead of him, if Shigaraki's expression was anything to go by.


A/N: so idk if I'm going to edit and read through this tomorrow. Its 2 am right now though and I cant fall back asleep so I decided to write.

A/A/N: I just quickly scanned through it and it seems fine. There are probably loads of mistakes so idk. Deal with it?

See ya soon

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