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They stood there, two opposite but deadly powers, staring at eachother. Izuku ran through his plan once more: 1. get coordinates 2. plant explosives on the roof and outer edges of the building 3. confront AFO 4. distra-

AFO twitched. If he were anybody else, it wouldnt have been noticeable. But apparently AFO underestimated him and thought he wouldnt think anything of it, or he was playing with him. Yes Moon thought, he wants to set me on edge. Conniving old bastard.

"Well-" Moon started, the phrase distract him bouncing around his skull, echoing, growing louder and louder but softer all at once. "My partner, you've probably heard of him, Fire is probably finished with your little heir." And holy shit if Izuku was any slower he wouldve been ashes, despite this he still continued, "although he wont be here for another few minutes," Izuku fake pouted, not like the villain in front of him could see it. Wait- could he?

"And I thought you always kept your promises, you wouldnt hurt Tomura after you promised not to-"

And like the brat Moon was, he cut AFO off. "Yes I promised not to hurt him, but I said nothing about my partner."

The thin "Repeat that" had Izuku grinning. It wasnt common knowledge but Moon had heard that the big baddie viewed Tomura as a son. He didnt think it was True though, he was hoping it would throw the villain off he didnt think he'd lose his composure like that. AFO was angry, Moon was going to play on that

"Ah selective hearing, the afflictionof the ignorent and concieted." Izuku decided that while he was at it he could wind the villain up some more, "I'm curious, how's your vision?"

The villain regained his composure quickly, "It comes and goes." that didnt tell him anything.

"Like a donor at a sperm bank," Moon said, not missing a beat.

Crack. He couldnt help it, Izuku laughed. All the electrical points blew up from electrical overcharge. AFO's skin crackled for a few seconds, leaving to the sound of Izuku's gleeful giggling, he had forgotten about the wires and such connected to the man.

Above them, more police and news helicoptors flew around the scene. And they all probably considered rushing away when AFO stood.

It took all of Moon's will power not to fall to his knees. The man's angry auror beat against the vigilante. well, two can play that game. Izuku allowed his auror to be released, pure, unadultered murderous intent.

Oops, Izuku glanced skywards, There goes another news station. He noticed when AFO was confirmed that a helicopter left, then when another realised that they were probably going to film one of, what they were most likely scared, was going to be a giant explosive fiery battle they left. Smart move though, with Moon there there was bound to be bombs and such, AFO would supply whatever he thought would desroy the vigilante and Moon's accomplice and friend, his double agent, Denki Kaminari, would supply their shock factor.

Izuku didnt want his inside on AFO's secret 'guard Tomura' group that he had, it sounded sappy but Izuku guessed that he needed his villain heir to be alive to takeover, to get hurt. But there was nothing he could do when the boy insisted. And when Moon says he insisted he means he spent a whole day and a half with an offbrand Pikachu hanging off his arm, begging to be let in on the plan.

So beside him stood Chargebolt and infront was the most powerful and feared villain. And surrounding and underneath them were Izuku's explosives. If I die I'm taking All for One with me, or at least thats what Izuku was planning to do.

"Well this obviously wasnt a social visit" If the villain had eyes Izuku was sure by the nonexistent glare he was recieving that he would be six feet under. "Lets get started."

"Of course, one last thing though, Batman or Superman?" his voice activation required a specific key word or phrase, Izuku chose something that would fit their setting, himself being Batman and the baddie being Superman... for obvious reasons.

Explosions rang out, throwing shrapnel at all of them, AFO gting the brunt of it seeing as Moon had activated the bombs behind him. And maybe that was a mistake because next thing the vigilante knew, he was sheilding and dodging from rocky pillars and spears launching at him from the ground.

Hopefully Erasure's with Shoto by now.


Shoto was livid, he and Erasurehead had rushed to see if Izuku was on the news, hoping that he hadnt decided that he was doing some giant stunt and was on the run instead and alive. As horrible as it was, Shoto hoped he hadnt given into his Izuku instincts and gone after some OP asshole and kept him out of the loop for what he would call Shoto's own safety.

Nothing was ever easy though because all relevant news was blocked. No matter how hard Shoto tried, he couldnt get past or around Izuku's digital commands.

So here the two were, outside in the busy streets, both in their vigilante and hero suits. They were standing in the crowd staring at a big screen showing Shoto's brother, because yes- Izuku was his brother, fighting All for fucking One. Without him. With only one person to fight beside him.

Yes Shoto had a right to rage, although all the civilians around him didnt know that. They just assumed he was an angry hero cursing at not being close to a battle. Damn right he was angry at not being there.

He scanned the scene on TV for any relevant land marks. Hoping to get a location. Abandoned warehouse district, far off forest, dust road, sign- westla- damnit he couldnt read it fast enough, library. LIBRARY! down outside the slums! the public village library.

"Erasure hand me your phone." the man rasied his brow at the vigilante, but Shoto didnt have time for his shit. He snapped his hand towards the mans pocket, slipping out his phone and throwing himself into and then out of the crowd to avoid the man grabbing it back.

The password was an easy guess, honestly who uses their birthday as a password these days? Opening the man's contacts, he scrolled until he found All might. No, it was All mights hero agency. He found the man he was looking for under the name 'Small Might'.

Fire pressed call... "Aizawa! now really isn't a good time, as you can se-"

"This is Fire, look down the old warehousing district near Village Library. It's near the back but a few rows ahead away from the forest-" Yes Shoto was aware that he was rambling but he needed to get everything out quickly. "-Erasure and I will be on scene in ten to fifteen minutes. Moon won't harm you. AFO's weak spot is his lower back, he has a broken rib due to an explosion. Shit-" The vigilante looked back to the screen to asess. "Lure him towards the left side Nomu chambers, Moon has bombs there. they take two seconds to detonate so make sure to count." with that said the vigilante hung up. All Might got his rambled plan.

Erasure was at his side with his eyebrows drawn together in question. "All might will be there in a few." The man slipped his goggles on and took to the rooftops. Shoto didn't even glance at the T.V again, too scared of seeing the results. He scaled the nearest wall. hopefully his brother's plan, whatever it was, didn't go to shit.







a/n: I'm so sorry its been so long T^T . I've been so busy lately and before that i couldnt even bring myself to leave my bed. But im here now! out of bed, so thats one small step to feeling better, i hope...

anyway, we're almost at the end TT

until next time


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