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Standing in the school camera's blind spot, Izuku watched from the rooftop as his explosive childhood friend pummeled the oncoming wave of robots. I'm already bored. Izuku was in the mood to cause his ex-bestfriend some hassle in his exam, and what better way to do that than to hack his way into the robot's mainframes.

Long story short Izuku had a robot army at his fingertips and had them all dancing to the infamous 'thriller' which he had blaring through the loud speakers at ground beta. It wasn't surprising to him when the principals rodent like voice came through the speakers soon after. Although he was a bit upset when his army stopped dancing.

"Greetings! It would be very much appreciated if you didnt sabotage the children's exam. With that being said, would you perhaps like to trade usernames on master'sboard?" Wait wait wait, hold up. Nezu wants to play chess online with...meeee????!

Izuku spotted a nearby observation drone and hopped in front of it. When he was sure the flying camera had locked on to him he dug inside his utility belt and pulled out a large red sharpie, turning to make sure they were watching Izuku wrote his username on the side of the bright white wall. Knowing that the hero's had seen him, a vigilante, give Nezu his username in master'sboard, Izuku made a break for the blind spot and pressed his 'call mamagiri' button.

When the heroes searched the area they couldn't find the vigilante nor could they figure out his escape route.

Izuku was teleported into the bar, pulling down his mask he smirked at Shigaraki. "Guess who's gonna play chess with one of the smartest creatures on the planet."

"So you went to UA to watch the exams and came back with a chess buddy?" Izuku nodded his head enthusiastically like a puppy. "Of course you did." Tomura didnt share Izuku's excitement, why would he if Izuku beat him at chess every single time they played.

Opening his laptop on the bar's countertop, Izu logged into master'sboard to see he had a friend request from NezUwU. He accepted and he hadn't realised it yet but he had started a close friendship between one, NezUwU and one other, Totally.not.a.vigilante .

Sadly after a  few relaxing hours talking and playing against UA's principal Izuku had to go patrol... or at least that's what he originally had planned. Now he found himself perched outside the number two pro hero's household, watching in horror as he 'trained' his youngest son, Shoto Todoroki.

Next thing the vigilante knew he was perched outside the boy's room while its occupant stared in numb disbelief. "Look-" Izuku was the one to break the silence and regretted this being his choice of a first sentence. "-Can I come in?" He paused, "please?"

"..." the boy sat in silence contemplating until he eventually came up with, "are you going to kill me? If you are please hurry." Ummm wot? Ok not what I expected... but I should've.

"Dude! Why would I kill you? What have you done wrong? Oh my shit do I really look like a murderer? Is it the knives? The all black? I can take my mask off... is that better?" Izuku went into a muttering spree which the other boy seemed to easily follow, surprisingly. Izuku had ripped his mask off and stopped talking. He had shocked the other into silence it seemed, oops I did it again. "Umm-" Izuku smiled shyly at the other boy, "I really do just want to help you."

"Ok" with that the young Todoroki opened the window. Wtf that was too trusting! What if I was a murdere- oh I see now. Now the two stood in awkward silence. "You said you wanted to help me?" Damn do I sense hope in that monotone voice?

"Ahhh yeah. Umm I didnt think I'd get this far, but I know one thing, we need to get you away from that shitty flaming trash that people call your father." Izuku thought a bit and tried to ignore the calculating stare from the other boy. "I have a place you can stay. I just need to add another bed to the base." He got a long hard glare.

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