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Izuku and Shoto walked home in shock. The silent walk lasted an hour, neither boy said anything about the time or distance though.


Izuku stopped dead in his tracks. "No? The hell do you mean saying no! Sho, this is the deal of a lifetime. For-"

"Me." Shoto hadnt turned to face his friend, brother. "You want this for me. Not yourself."

Both vigilantes stood still, silent, until Shoto slowly turned to Izuku. "I cant leave now Sho, you know that. I'm in too deep." The two faced each other, wet green eyes met heterochromatic. "You'll get help, you'll have a steady figure in your life, fuck knows you need one. One that's not me." He breathed in deeply, "what I've been working towards, all my life, will be over. But not for you."

"Ok." Izuku knew the other was agreeing to avoid his bad mood later on (he didnt blame him) and he decided to drop it. It wouldnt be for a while that they were comfortable enough to follow through anyway.


It happened earlier than expected.

Dabi sat in his usual corner booth, surveying the bar, when Izuku. No. Moon strode in. He was ready for bloodshed, that was very apparant.

"Where." Dabi had accidentally locked eyes with a bomb. Without a side wards glance, Dabi pulled out a small piece of torn paper. It contained the number of some cute girl who had thrown herself at him, with a gentle nudge from Toga. The other side of the paper was blank though with just enough space for him to write the far off adress.

He slid the paper across the table and stood to leave, pausing beside the green headed boy. "He'll be prepared for this."

"No, he couldnt have prepared for this." Well that was very reassuring. Not. He knew that the vigilante could possibly die. No, he would definitely die.

With a not very convinced nod, he left up the stairs. Izuku was on his own. There was no way in hell he'd get involved. Not in this.


Shoto awoke to an empty home. Izuku was obviously upset about the day before. Their disagreements were usually more heated but this was obviously more important. His brother would just need time to mull it over. Just like always.

By midday Shoto was definitely upset. Izuku hadnt gotten back yet for their usual training. He's just holding onto his grudge longer than usual he thought. Hes under stress, I'll give him time.

That was his thought process... until five hours later and still no sign of Izuku.

Come dinner time, Shoto was a mess of nerves. Jumping from site to site. Laptop to tablet to phone and back. No sign of Izuku anywhere.

Three more hours went by when he heard the alarm. Somebody was entering the perimeter of their home. They weren't going through the set path to their home, where they wouldnt set off alarms. Either Izuku was so banged up that he had to take a more direct path back, or there was an intruder.

Shoto knew better than to cling to his hope of it being his brother and leave unarmed. Rather he hid himself outside, behind an old chest freezer, armed to the teeth.

A long suffering minute later and Erasurehead came slinking out from between two huge piles of trash. Shoto stayed put to avoid other heroes that might be in the area. But after the man's offer he didnt think he'd bring anybody. You couldnt be too careful though.


Erasure finished his patrol an hour later than usual having stayed on the streets longer to blow off some steam. Once he was in his apartment he immediately went online to log his extra hour.

He collapsed on his couch right after. Only waking from his deep sleep when Hisashi slammed his bag and coffee onto the table beside the underground hero's head.

They ate breakfast and said their goodbyes after discussing Shota's unhealthy habit of falling asleep on the couch and not their bed after his patrols. Oops.

When he opened his phone that morning, Shouta almost had a stroke when he read the message from an unknown but identifiable number. Moon, or, Izuku Midoriya had texted him. Not agreeing to his offer/proposal but to send coordinates and a time. He recieved no other information but there was one more message telling him to arrive alone. How safe.

Of course Shouta would go, he didnt know if something was wrong or if they wanted to speak about his proposal more. But he would go. Definitely.

But when Erasure arrived in the middle of a junkyard he wasnt expecting for there to be no clear reason he was called there. However he knew Moon had planned something and needed him out of the way and out of the loop, with his partner in the same circumstances as he himself was apparently.

Shoto Todoroki, Fire, faced him with a blank face and expectant eyes while his steady "why the fuck are you here?" Hung heavy in the space between them. And an even heavier "where's Moon?" As well.


"I wasnt expecting you here so soon boy. Curious."

Moon stood in the rubble of his explosion (not just set off for a dramatic entrance. But to draw attention and to clear the roof for helicopters and film crews that he hoped would arrive to record this momentous occasion.) "It appears that we have somethine in common after all then." Izuku paused and smirked at the faceless figure before him. " I guess proper greetings are in order then. Isnt that right All for One. Or do you prefer Shigaraki?"


A/n: I know it's been a while. I know. But I've been delaying ending the story because I honestly didnt know how to until now. Well I barely know what to do now but I have a plan... of sorts.

Anyway henlo. A quick catchup is in order. You might be wondering what I've been doing in this break in writing (you probably arent but go along with it.) Well you see, ive started homeschooling, I'm seeing a new psychologist and I read an amazing Supernatural fanfic on ao3 called Hatchling. Although I finished it I'm still in love and if anybody here is in the Supernatural fandom and in the littlespace community I reccomend reading it.

For my next fic I'm deciding between Harry Potter and Supernatural. Any suggestions on those would be great.


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