We All Need A Sibling Like Mikey

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Gerard's pov

The bell rang as the clock struck 3:30, signalling the end of the day. Frank had messages me at lunch, telling me he had to go home. It had disappoint me but I chose not to question it, instead arranging to walk home with Mikey at the end of the day.

I walked out the front of the building, not enjoying being jostled by the swarm of students. I headed over to the front gates where I saw Mikey standing, typing on his phone. He shoved it in his pocket as he saw me coming over, smiling at me. I grinned back, readjusting my backpack on my shoulder.

"Hey." He greeted as we began walking down the road, our shoes scuffing along the black pavement.

"Hi," I responded, "how are you?" I asked casually.

"I'm pretty good, we had double science today and it made me want to scream but other than that it's cool." I nodded knowingly, pain of double science being all too familiar.

"Ah, fuck. How's Pete?" I asked slyly.

Mikey started blushing furiously, and glared down at his boots. "He's fine." He mumbled embarrassedly. I grinned evilly, my neck jerked back violently, making me grimace uncomfortably.

My phone began to play Run To The Hills by Iron Maiden, signalling and incoming phone call. I pulled it out of my pocket recognising the caller ID as Frank, I accepted the call and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hi." I greeted, cheerfully.

"Hey," Frank responded, his voiced sounded muffled, almost congested, "I just wanted to apologize for not being able to walk back with you, a thing happened."

"Oh no it's fine, I've got Mikey." I said, elbowing my brother slightly although knowing full well Frank couldn't see it. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine," I just got beat up slightly in the hallway and I passed out but it's a good." He said casually, I stopped walking, stunned slightly.

"Okay," I started, taking a deep breath, "someone beat you into unconsciousness and you're talking like you forgot to pick up milk." I stated, somewhat accusingly about how Frank couldn't see the situation as a big deal.

"Well, two people actually, but yes." Frank said, his voice sounding tinny through the phone.

I sighed heavily and resumed walking, shaking my head in disbelief. "Are you okay though?" I asked again, hoping to receive an actual answer this time.

"Yeah I'm fine," he said, his blasé attitude making me feel exasperated, "they just kinda bashed my head a bit and made my nose bleed but the doctors at the ER said I'd be fine. Don't worry about me."

"Frank." I started accusingly, "of course I'm fucking worried- fucking hell, worried about you. You don't just get beaten unconscious and then act like it's unimportant, you could've been really hurt." I berated. "I care about you." I said, my tone softer.

"Okay," Frank relented, "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to overreact and make you freak out." He said quietly.

"Go and sleep." I chuckled, "I don't need you passing out again." I smiled softly.

"Okay. Bye, gee." He said softly, I could her his slight smile through the phone.

"Bye, Frank." I said softly. I ended the call, sliding my phone back in my pocket. I sighed heavily before walking faster to catch up with my brother.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asked jokingly, I glared at him, panicking slightly when I realised I had forgot to come out to him.

We walked passed the graveyard, I thought back to the other night, smiling to myself. The gravestones looked different in the sunlight, not quite as hostile and more peaceful.

"Frank got beat up by some kids today." I told Mikey, kicking at plants as we walked.

"Ohh, so that's who they were talking about." Mikey said.

"You what?"

"At lunch today I overheard some people talking about this kid they found blacked out in the corridor." My brother explained.

"And you didn't- kill me, think to tell me?!" I exclaimed, glaring at my brother.

"Well I knew it wasn't you and I just assumed Frank could stand up for himself a but more."

I glared at him, "well two against one isn't exactly a fair fight."

"Oh okay, well that makes more sense." He said. I sighed yet again, squinting as we walked past a gap in the trees, allowing the sun the break through the foliage

I sighed deeply. I involuntarily punched myself in the face, startling myself with the action.

"Are you okay?" Mikey asked.

"I'm- my dick is on fire. I'm grand." I said sarcastically. I looked down at the ground, my hand tensed involuntarily. My features softened as I pondered something. "Hey, Mikes?" I said softly, still looking at the ground.

"Yeah?" He responded, his voice gentle, sensing the tone of my voice.

"J- just so you know, I'm gay." I said quietly, kicking at a stone with my foot as I walked. I retracted from shock slightly as Mikey surprised me with a crushing hug, I responded by wrapping my arms around him once I figured what was happening.

"It was so fucking obvious but thanks for telling me." He reassured. I pulled out of the hug, glaring at him again.

"Jesus, way to ruin the moment." I huffed.

"You know I'm bi, right?" Mikey asked me.

"I assumed you were gay, but that's fine too." I chuckled.

I pulled a face as a passing car blew hot air into my face, "I'm glad you're my brother. You're not that shitty." I joked once I had recovered.

"You're not that shitty either." He smiled and I laughed as we crossed the road.

A/N: I'm really not enjoying how short this and the last chapter are but that's just the way they are.

I should remind ya'll that there's only three chapters left after this one.

Anywhore my mother yelled at me for an hour cuz I wanted to buy knee high converse, how's your day been? If there's anything random you wanna say you can say it here xD

As always, you better be doing the self care, eat something, drink some water, take a nap and be good to yourself, you deserve it.

Bai Bai duckiez 🐸

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