Fuck Up

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Frank's pov

I, yet again, get rudely awoken by my hideously loud alarm pulling me out of sleep and into the bleak world of consciousness.

I go through my morning ritual of making myself look as presentable as seemingly possible before saying goodbye to Sweet Pea by giving her a quick scratch behind the ears and leaving the house to attend the hellscape that is school.

I walked into the aging building and towards my assigned locker, I opened it and retrieved the required books for history class.

I trudged off down the hallway wondering why the fuck the architect for this school decided to put history on the top floor. Upon realising that if I didn't quicken up I'd be late I half sprinted up the first flight of stairs, as I rounded the corner I ploughed headfirst into some dude that was probably twice the height and size of me.

"Watch where you're going, fag." The Tall Dude spat out as he shoved me back against the wall.

I felt pain blossoming in my abdomen as Tall Dude punched me in my stomach. I sank to my knees out of both pain and embarrassment.

After a good five minutes of trying to catch my breath and not throw up over the dirt ridden steps I staggered to my feet and hastily started shoving my books back into my aged backpack.

As I started up the first step of the next flight of stairs, intent on actually getting to my lesson this time, the shrill bell rang out informing anyone who was still roaming the halls that they should've been in class five minutes ago.

"For fucks sake" I muttered to myself.

"Ah, Mr Iero, you finally decided to show up" my stuck up history teacher sneered at me.

"Yeah, well I was a bit preoccupied" I retorted, still slightly winded from my encounter with Tall Dude.

"Well I hope it was worth the detention you've just earned yourself" he said smugly as he handed a detention slip to me.

I swear that man's some kind of evil sadist, not that I'd now anything about sadism of course.

After I'd completed my third class of the day, which happened to be chemistry, I trudged to the lunch hall. I retrieved a salad and wandered over to the table I'd sat at the previous day.

On my arrival I found the Vampire Boy, Gerard, sat at the table looking down at a sketchbook I presumed he was filling with a drawing of some kind.

I sat down on the opposite bench and somehow Gerard didn't notice my arrival.

"Hi" I said in an attempt to get his attention.

"Oh" he exclaimed as he looked up in shock.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were here." He apologised, slightly sheepish

"No problem. What are you drawing" I asked

"A vampire" he said as he tilted the sketchbook my way to reveal the most awesome looking vampire I had ever seen.

"Dude that's rad!" I exclaimed

"Thanks" he said quietly.

"Fuck you bitch" he ticced and immediately blushed and dropped his head.

I laughed a little at the insult.

"Sorry" he said meekly.

"No need. Sorry, I probably shouldn't laugh at your tics"

"No I'd rather you did, it's either that or just awkward silence" he explained.

"Oh yeah I guess so" I said

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