Finally Some Good Fucking Fluff

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Frank's pov

*Two weeks later*

As I trudged downstairs to greet my overly energetic dog it dawned on me that it was indeed Saturday and I'd have to entertain myself for once, which essentially meant playing my guitar for eight hours straight.

As I started making myself some coffee in the machine I noticed a sticky note tacked on the black counter next to it, it was a note from my mother entailing how she'd "gone out with some friends" for the day and that there was food in the fridge. I translated this to "I'm off to get drunk, don't starve." Which was probably the most affection I'd receive from my mother ever again.

I slumped down at the kitchen table with my coffee steaming in front of me. I picked at the grain absentmindedly as it dawned on me I hadn't bothered to check the time when I'd oh so eagerly fallen out of bed this morning. I placed my still full mug on the side and trudged up the stairs to retrieve my phone.

I pulled it off charge and unlocked it to reveal two missed messages, both from Gerard. The first was sent at almost ten am exactly, a whole hour and a half earlier than I had woken up, wishing me an all too happy good morning, the other was sent an hour later than the other asking me how I was.

I blindly stumbled back downstairs whilst trying to text at the same time, I responded to both messages with a gloomy message depicting how my mother had yet again left me to get drunk.

Halfway through my cup of coffee my phone began to buzz violently on the table top where I'd left it, alerting me to an incoming phone call.

I picked it up without bothering to check who was phoning me, come on it's not like there's a varied amount of people who would willingly call me.

I pressed the phone to my ear and was greeted with a quiet "hi, Frankie"

"Hi Gee, what're you up to?" I said, becoming find of his self assigned nickname.

"Not much. I was wondering, since my brother Mikey was inviting his 'friend' Pete round later, if you wanted to go out or something. It's fine if you don't- fuck! Want to, I just don't really want to walk in on my brother sucking his best friend's dick." He asked shyly.

"Yeah sure, you can just come round mine if you want."

"Okay- I fucked the queen! I'll be round soon."

"Do you want me to pick you up?" I questioned, I knew he lived on the road directly opposite to mine but it was still a road and I knew he had a dodgy history with cars.

"No it's fine, Mikey can just walk me over or something." He respond, I heard a small squeak at the end, presumably a tic. I smiled slightly at the noise, that, despite being involuntary was still cute as fuck.

"Okay cool, see you soon."


I was filled with slight excitement at the prospect of spending the day with Gerard, who I definitely didn't have a crush on and who was just adorable as fuck.

It suddenly occured to me that I was currently wearing batman pyjama pants, was shirtless, and standing in the middle of my kitchen holding a half full mug if lukewarm coffee. Not my best look.

I hurriedly dumped the remainder of my coffee in the sink and rushed upstairs to have one of the quickest showers of my life.

After hopping out if my two minute shower and stumbling to my room I quickly shrugged on my black underwear, grey socks, an iron maiden shirt, and my skinniest black skinny jeans which had rips in both the thighs and the knees.

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