The Vampire Boy

881 36 74

Frank's pov

Much to my distaste the sound of Green Day's 'Basket Case' rudely awoke me, I fumbled around slightly and managed to shut the stupid thing up. Sliding out of bed my feet touched the cold laminate flooring, making me shiver slightly as I padded over to my closet in search of some angsty clothing.

My hunt for angst led me to my well worn, ripped, black skinny jeans, my slightly faded Misfits shirt and tattered black converse. I headed to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth an fixing my hair and applying some subtle eyeliner, I gave myself a once over deeming myself to be presentable.

Once downstairs I grabbed a granola bar, shoving it in my backpack to eat on the way to school. I shrugged on my oversized black hoodie, pulled on my fingerless skeleton gloves and headed out the door. The early spring air bit at my ears and nose making me grateful that I thought to grab my gloves.


I stood glumly at the entrance to the school awaiting my doom, I entered the bleak building and located the school secretary.

"I'm Frank Iero" I said confidently.

The secretary who's name badge read 'Miss Claire" looked up at me and immediately made a slight disgusted face at my... Well, face.

"I'm new" I told the bored woman.

'oh yes, so you are. Would you like a timetable?" No I want to spend the rest of my day in the  front office.

"yes, I do" I replied, Miss Claire reached somewhere and pulled out a piece of paper containing my schedule.

After I scurried out of the front office I looked at my timetable and saw that I had chemistry first, I glanced to the map of the school that happened to be placed on the wall almost exactly next to were I was standing, how convenient...


Chemistry class passed without incident, as did my next two classes. I entered the lunch hall and much to my disappointment noticed that there were no empty benches, I saw a bench locating only one vampiric looking dude "that'll have to do" I thought to myself.

As I sat down I discretely eyed the vampire looking boy, he had innocent looking hazel eyes, dark black hair that hung in front of his eyes slightly, his features were soft and feminine with a small upturned nose and pink lips that turned down slightly in the corners.

The boy looked up in surprise "sorry" I said "all the other benches are full" I explained, vampire boy eyed me nervously and threw his head back slightly.

"n- no, it's o- okay" he stuttered nervously and made a popping sound with his mouth which I chose not to question.

I pulled out the granola bar I forgot to eat this morning and eat it with no enthusiasm, it was really shit okay? I was about to pull out my earbuds when vampire boy suddenly yelled "fuck you, faggot!"

My head snapped upwards at the oh so familiar word and I looked at the vampire questioningly. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he started, looking terrified.

"dude calm down, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

y- yeah, I'm sorry" he quietly said "I have t- tourettes syndrome" he nearly whispered

"dude, stop apologizing. It's okay, you should've just said" I said, relieved that he hadn't just purposefully called me a faggot.

"I can move if you want" the vampire said timidly starting to get up from the table.

"what? No, please stay. I said it's okay" I told him.

He looked at the table questioningly and then proceeded to jerk his head back and middle finger me simultaneously "s- sorry" he started "like I said, I don't care" I said chucking slightly.

The vampire boy, who's name turned out to be Gerard, did actually engage in conversation with me until the end of lunch. Him being a junior and me being a sophomore meant that he was a year older than me.  I asked him a couple of questions about tourettes and he happily answered them and explained that it was nice to come across someone who didn't just get up and leave the first time he ticced, which I found completely horrible. Why the fuck would you care so much about something that is absolutely none of your business?


I flopped down onto my bed, sinking into the soft comforter, I grabbed my laptop from my nightstand and opened Tumblr. I half heartedly browsed whilst thinking about my day, more specifically, about Gerard, the strange withdrawn vampire boy with a misunderstood disability. I felt bad for him, not particularly for having tourettes, although that must be exhausting, but the fact that no one seemed to bother trying to get to understand his disability and worse still, no one tried to get to know him.

An: So second chapter, please vote and comment. I'm going to space out updates more I just thought I should put the first and second ones together because I can do want I want.

Byebye duckiez

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