Abandoned Parks And Monster Energy

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Gerard's pov

A soft wind blew through the trees, their, mostly bare, branches getting whipped around in the breeze. I peered down at the snowdrops by my feet as I walked to the top of the road, where I knew Frank would be waiting, the flower's delicate green leaves drooping down slightly towards the earth from the weight of the recent rain. The smell of an oncoming spring hung in the air. The sun shone down warmly, it's bright rays bouncing off the numerous puddles that littered the pavement. I smiled gently to myself as I looked up and around while I walked, enjoying the fresh sense of being that seemed to be present.

My neck jerked to the side repeatedly, making my hair fall in my eyes. I let out two short involuntary whistles as I reached the top of the inclined road. I eyed my short friend who seemed oblivious to my presence as he gazed over the screen of his phone.

"Dipshit!" I ticced loudly, he jerked his head upward in alarm, the look of shock on his face making me grin. I noted his scruffy hair, the dark circles that hung under his eyes, the angles of his face seemed more prominent and gaunt, almost ill looking. He smiled at me as he tucked his phone into his pocket, I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. I felt him bury his head into my neck, the feeling making butterflies flutter around uncomfortably in my stomach.

"Hi," he said softly, his voice muffled by my hoodie, "how are you?" He asked as we separated.

"I'm irrelevant," I shrugged him off, "how are- tiddies, how are you?" I said, referring to his mother's funeral that had taken place just the day before.

He shrugged, he slid his hands into the pocket of his black jeans, "it is what it is, I guess." He mumbled.

I pulled him into another hug, feeling him wrap his strong arms around me. "You'll be okay." I whispered, rubbing his back reassuring me. I felt him nod into my hoodie. I felt a pang in my chest, hating to see my friend in pain.

We wordlessly separated and headed off in the direction of out school, the space between us silent yet comfortable.

I stared down at my feet as I walked, eyeing the scuffed toes of my black boots as I kicked up stones.

We approached the front of the school after five minutes of walking, I turned to walk through the gates but stopped when I noticed Frank had halted beside me. I stopped and turned to him, "are you- fucking bullshit, are you okay?" I asked gently.

"I can't be asked with this." He sighed angrily before turning and walking off in the other direction.

"Where are you going?" I questioned as I jogged to keep up with him.

"I don't know, I just- I can't just go back to normal. I can't just watch my mother get carried in a fucking coffin and then just go back to school like everything's okay!" He shouted, anger running through his voice as he picked up the pace of his strides.

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say as I followed behind my friend. My neck jerked uncomfortably as I walked and my hands clenched into fists involuntarily. "Where are you going?" I asked, quizzically.

He stopped suddenly, as if coming to a realisation, "I have no idea." He said quietly. I smiled to myself slightly as I marched forward and grabbed is hand, tugging him along with me. "What're you doing?" He asked quietly, eyeing our interlocked hands.

"I'm buying you- fuck me please! Something to drink and then you will talk to me." I huffed. I heard him sigh behind me before coming to my side to walk at the same pace as me. Our hands were still interlocked, butterfly's bloomed in my stomach and I stared down at my black boots, the thick soles making me even taller compared to Frank than I already was.

I dragged my friend into the corner shop, my anxiety spiking as I eyed the worker behind the shop counter. My neck jerked viciously as I scurried off to the back, I heard Frank's converse scuff along the floor behind me as I eyed the shelves of cans, the brightly coloured rows of aluminium assaulting my eyes. I quickly grabbed two Monster cans and scuttled over to the cashier, the man looked down at me, a bored expression on his face. I placed the cans in front of the cashier and eyed he floor as he scanned them, my right hand involuntarily flipping off the underside of the counter as I focussed on suppressing the large vocal tic that was working it's way up my throat.

"Four dollars seventy-five." Said the cashier, his strong Indian accent breaking me from my intense concentration. I rifled through my wallet briefly before sliding the exact amount of money across the counter, grabbing the chilled cans and swiftly exiting the shop.

"You cumsock!" I shouted as soon as I left the shop, squinting at the bright sun. "That was stressful." I surmised as I passed Frank his Monster to which he only nodded in agreement. We cracked open our cans in perfect unison. I took a large swig, the strong sweet liquid flowing over my taste buds.

We headed off in the direction I knew the park to be, the graffitied swings and slides always created a strange abandoned atmosphere. We sipped from our cans silently as we walked, our hands occasionally brushing up against eachother accidentally, making a blush spread over the tops of my usually pale cheeks.

We approached the entranced to the park, an unhinged gate that was once fixed in place, the cool metal reflecting the sunlight dimly. I scuffed the grass as I walked, us both someone mutually deciding to head over to the single park bench. I eyed the bench before sitting down, the metal uncomfortable beneath me,  layers of spray paint covered the surface.

I looked over at Frank, his eyes cast down at the muddied grass, his tattooed fingers mindlessly tracing the logo on his vibrant green can. I started to speak, only to be interrupted, "Thank you." Frank said simply, confusing me.

"What for?" I implored.

"For actually caring about me." he started, "Before I moved I never actually had anyone. I had friends or something but none of them cared, they just used me as their weed and alcohol supply." He laughed emotionlessly. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent for a moment.

"Yeah well I actually- can we fuck the queen?, enjoy spending time with you." I said honestly. Frank didn't answer, choosing to return to staring at the grass. The muscles in my legs tensed uncomfortable as I brought my drink to my lips, the aluminium cold against my skin, I tipped my head back to let the last of the cans contents flow into my mouth before placing it down by my feet.

I noticed Frank stifle a yawn out of the corner of my eye, "you need to fucking sleep," I started, "you look like a fucking corpse already- do you do drugs?"

He shook his head adamantly, "'m fine." He mumbled,  though I heard the weariness that hung thick in his voice, "Just didn't sleep well is all." He continued quietly.

"Come here." I said softly, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and pulling him into my chest gently, his short height allowing him to mold into my body seemlessly. I heard my friend sigh contentedly, adjusting into a comfortable position. "You'll be okay..." I assured, my sentence drifting off.

A/N: filler chapter 👉😎👉

Anywhore how are my children doing? Make sure to take care of yourselves, I love y'all.

I've been trying to update quicker but as we can see that didn't happen. Family shit keeps happening and I want to move out but I legally can't ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Bai Bai my duckieeeeezzzz 👻

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