I Don't Want Alot For Christmas, There Is Just One Thing I Need, Gerard's Dick.

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I stood outside the mall, a tall unclean building, awaiting Gerard's arrival. The Misfits blared through my earphones as I stared awkwardly down at my feet. The dust covered buses roared past, sending hot dirty air gushing to my face.

Slight bickering and laughter filtered through my earphones, I glanced up and saw Gerard walking with Mikey and Pete on the other side of the road. They stopped to cross and I noticed Mikey inconspicuously grab Gerard's sleeve as they stepped into the road. They crossed, however, without incident and we were soon huddled in a small group together.

"Hi, Frankie- you faggot." Gerard greeted, his black hanging lightly over his face, somehow making me want to reach out and brush it away. I shook this thought out if my head and welcomed all three of them.

We were about to head inside when Mikey abruptly pulled me to the side.

"Gerard seems to really like you, okay? You're his first proper friend but I swear to god if you take advantage of him in anyway, wether it's related to his disability or not, I will not hesitate to fucking kill you." This, understandably, took me aback and I struggled to form words. I had no idea the Way brothers were this close.

"Dude I'd never do anything like that." I finally managed to stutter out. It was true, I could never dream of hurting Gerard in any way.

"You better not. Now that's sorted I think it's best to return to the other two before they start to ask questions." Mikey said as he walked back to Gee and Pete. Leaving me to stand wondering what the fuck just happened.

We entered the large building and immediately split off into our two respective groups, Mikey and Pete headed off to the comic shop and me and Gerard headed off in the opposing direction because even though it was November Gerard insisted he had to do some Christmas shopping.

"What did Mikes- fucker, drag you odd to the side for earlier?" Gerard questioned as we navigates the hoards of seasonal shoppers all fighting for the best deal on whatever the latest gadget was.

"Oh it's was nothing important." I said, brushing his question aside. "What are you getting exactly?" I asked, hurriedly trying to change the subject.

"Oh, well Mikey needs a new- oh fuck I'm hard, cable for his bass so I need to go to the music store, I don't know what else to get him."

"At this point I think the best thing you could do is to set him and Pete up." I chuckled, thinking about the natural chemistry that seemed constantly present between the two teens.

Me and Gerard idled around the mall for a while, he ended up getting Mikey an amp cable and a Misfits poster from the music story, Gerard also called the cashier a Man-Whore who seemed un-bothered, Gerard explained that they knew eachother vaguely as he frequently visited the shop. I brought some James Hetfield signature guitar picks and pick tin because my clumsy ass keeps losing them. I also visited a hot topic quickly becuase I felt in need of more band merch and purchased a Queen shirt and a Ramones hoodie.

Gerard suddenly rushed towards a Doc Marten store and entered and immediately swore, I saw him shrink back slightly into his hoodie as people began to glance in his direction, I headed after him. I didn't want to be killed by Mikey after all.

I found him browsing the rows after rows of leather and suede boots.

"Whatcha looking for?" I questioned, eyeing the large pricetags.

"I'm not sure- I'm the daddy, what do you think Mikey would like?" I chuckled slightly before responding.

"That's a kind of expensive present, don't you think?"

"I guess. He does so much for me and I don't feel like I ever show him how much he means to me."

With that conversation still floating in the air Gerard chose a pair of regular black boots with thick soles and mean looking buckles and found a pair in what I assumed to be Mikey's size.

We headed towards the queue and I noticed Gerard get immediately more nervous, the twitch in his neck became more violent and prominent, the various noises  he occasionally made were near constant and he started furiously biting on his lip.

"You okay?" I whispered quietly to the now pale boy beside me.

"Yeah- fucking shithead daddy!" He blushed an embarrassed shade if orange as more people started to whisper about him.

I noticed him digging the nails of his spare hand into his palm, that looked painful and from a slightly longer glance I noticed the slight scars embedded in his palm, presumably from this habit.

After a moments hesitation I grabbed his free hand in my own, his hands were slightly rough yet soft in my own. Our hands seemed to interlock perfectly and I heard him breathe out a slight sigh of relief, I'd like to think I was the cause of his slight relief but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

After many more moments and curses from Gerard we reached the cashier and Gerard promptly paid and we rushed out the store.

Gerard quickly seeked out a bench and sat down on it trembling slightly, he began intermittently wringing his hands and digging his nails into the pale flesh. He furiously wiped his eyes as they started watering. He threw his head back repeatedly, somehow more and more violently each time.

I sat down hesitantly next to him and grabbed his hands "it's okay Gee, you're okay." I assured him, I knew the shop was too much for him to have everybody staring and whispering at him.

"N- no, I'm- FUCK! Not. I'm s- so fucking embarrassed."

"No it's okay Gee, it doesn't matter what they think." I told him. Fuck everybody, do they ever fucking consider that the person they're having fun whispering about and pointing at is an actual fucking person?

I rubbed circles in the backs of his hands with my thumbs absentmindedly as he tried to control the panic attack he was clearly about to have.

He hugged me tightly and I whispered comfortingly into his soft hair as he calmed down, neck tics occasionally causing him to headbutt me, I didn't mind however.

"I-m sorry." He stuttered

"Please don't be."

An: definitely wasn't planning on posting two chapters (you're welcome Gore) today but I need a distraction so here yall are 👄👁️👄

Bai Bai duckiez

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