The End Of An Era

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C/W for mention of scars, I'll put *asterisks* on the paragraphs it's mentioned. Stay safe my guys. Oh, and they're sat in front of Frank's mom's grave the entire time so just yeah.

I picked at the grass absentmindedly, feeling the rough texture beneath my fingers. Gerard was sat next to me peacefully, exchanging occasional conversation, although we sat mostly in comfortable silence.

We sat at the foot of my mother's grave, a melancholy feeling settled at the pit of my stomach, though a stronger, unfamiliar, feeling  tugged at my insides, almost overriding the sadness, making a small smile dance over my features.

The sun beat down onto the earth, the weather finally making the transition from winter to summer. The harsh rays of the setting sun fragmented through the branches of a nearby tree, slicing the light and sending it dancing sporadically through the churchyard.

"It's warm." I jokingly complained. Laying back in the grass, closing my eyes, allowing the sun to flood over them. I spread my arms out either side of me, feeling the grass under my arms.  Enjoying the warmth that cascaded over my body.

"It's horrendous." Gerard agreed. He picked at the sleeves of his dark grey hoodie, looking down at the charcoal fabric.

"Have you ever considered that you're a vampire?" I asked jokingly. Sitting up quickly and accidentally giving myself a head rush.

"Maybe," He said optimistically, "I'd be fine with that." He said, looking up and giving me a small smile.

"You'd still be my vampire though." I pouted slightly, pulling him into a tight hug and placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. I let him go, eyeing his soft smile. I looked back up at the setting sun, seeing the light break over the top of the grey headstone in front of us.


I looked back up to my vampire, I watched curiously as he inhaled a deep breath, brought his slightly shaking hands up to the neck of his hoodie and pulled it over his head. He stuffed it to the side of him quickly, refusing to look at his scars. He layed back in the grass, mimicking my previous position, eyes closed and fingers nervously tugging and ripping the grass. I noticed his scars, some still raised and prominent, but no fresh cuts. I smiled at this, leaning back to lay next to my vampire. Glancing over at him, eyeing his lip that was caught nervously between his teeth.


I laid back in the grass next to my boyfriend, I lazily draped my arm across his chest. He opened his hazel eyes to meet mine, the warm green colour almost glowing in the evening sun. "Hey," I whispered gently, smiling softly, squeezing My Vampire's shoulder reassuringly. He smiled back, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly.

"Gee?" I said softly, almost nervously, though for once I was entirely sure of my actions.

"Yeah?" He whispered back, eyes closed softly. A golden glow washed over his face, giving him an almost angelic appearance, ironic considering his nickname we had both become fond of.

"I think I'm in love with you." I said quietly. A small smile broke out on my features as I uttered the words. My vampire opened his eyes again to meet mine, a smile gracing his lips.

"I think I'm in love with you too." He replied with certainty, leaning in to kiss me. Emotion and butterflies swarmed in my stomach as we kissed tenderly.

We separated after a few moments, eyes remaining closed. I thought back to the first time we met, two broken outcasts that didn't quite fit in the world we happened to be in.

We were still outcasts. But I was okay with that.

We weren't broken anymore.

A/N: so here we have it: the last chapter. I'm genuinely proud of myself for something I've created which is very rare but for once I actually have pride in my work and the little universe I created. I realise that it's probably really shitty but let me have my moment of disbelief.

Writing this book has become a coping mechanism for me, writing down my personal experiences and emotions and it's a piece of my art that I feel very connected to so thank you, all of you who've been reading this, for not ridiculing me and actually supporting my writing.

I am aware that I'm being overly emotional over ending a fucking fanfic ffs but I'm a very dramatic person.

It brings me great pleasure in knowing that in an alternate reality somewhere this fic actually exists irl and Gerard and Frank in that universe will go on and gayly live the rest of their lives.

K so before I start crying I need to know if I wrote another fic if you'd actually read it. I would probably write one anyway becuase I enjoy it but if people actually want to read it then I'll get y'all's input on what to write. So yeah if you'd read another one of my fics then just comment.

And before I sign off I wanted to note that I've been writing this since last September which is about nine months and I can't stop imagining myself being pregnant with a fanfiction and this chapter me giving birth to it... Wtf did I just say.

Bai Bai duckiez 🦆

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