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#Be a reader ,Be a dreamer.
She wanted him.
He was her definition of desire.
She never new how engulfing
The flames could be till now.
The only thing that could bring her back to life...his lips his hands.
She would follow him to the ends of time just to have another moment with him.
All she knew was she missed him and nothing else made sense until she could be with him again.
That is what it felt like to fall
and not care where you land.- n.r.hart
More Than Just That
©2021, Mhaya Ry
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or means including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means including photocopying and recording and whether or not transiently without the written permission of the owner is highly prohibited.
Characters,places and names used are a product of the writers imagination and resemblance to any real life persons is purely coincidental .In short,dare try any form of plagiarism and you are meat.
Hugs and kisses filled with colors.xxxxx
Your girl .
More Than Just That
Ficção AdolescenteCamilla Parker never stutters when she hits strangers.But not when he's a 6'2 hot new devil who just happened to want directions to the Principal's office. Three weeks is all it takes for Jake Greene; hot , smart , handsome and athletic to make a st...