XXXlX : wishes

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 Two weeks later, and two letters to Ashton later, and I was torn.

Between the guy that I loved, and the guy that I once loved.

The boys were tearing me apart.

Over the course of the two weeks I was home after getting back from seeing Luke, I had written two more letters to Ashton, in hopes of finding the right words to tell him. In hopes of finding the right words to say, words that I could actually send him.

But I still couldn't.

The both ended up saying the same things as the first letter did.

Dear Ashton,

                Thank you for the letter, it really means a lot. I am also glad that I was able to be with you some of the time while I was there. Spending time with you really means a lot to me. In some ways I wish that it was you who had found me. It was you who had broken my heart and put it all back together, because, you can do that. You have before without even knowing.

You saved a life.

You’ve saved so many lives before that I know that mine doesn’t mean very much to you, it shouldn’t. But I still wanted to thank you, if that is strange.

You were always the lifeguard on duty while I was out in the ocean trying to drown myself away from the world.

I love you Ashton, I truly do.

But we can never be.

I’m sorry.




But I couldn’t send that to him.

I’m so afraid that he misinterpret these letters.

I wish that I could just tell him how I really felt about him all along.

 Dear Ashton,

                Hello. I guess. Thank you for bringing me and Luke back to together, the gesture means a lot to me. I’m glad that we got to know each other better over the best movies in the world and the best food in the world. I may not know you as good as I know Luke, but just like you want to know me, I would definitely would like to get to know you better as well. I wish we had the time to do that.

You don’t need to worry about what to say to me, I’m your friend, and what you say won’t change my opinion of you in any way.

I hope to see you soon as well.

Thanks for always being there for me when I needed you. Especially when Luke and I weren’t speaking.

In some ways, I guess you always have been there for me.

And that’s something I can only thank you for.

Thanks for everything Ashton. Thanks for being a friend when I needed one. Until our next movie.

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