Xl : vacancy

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How do you describe something like perfection?

You can look it up in a dictionary, but everyone has a different view on what perfection is.

Define Perfection.


The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

Something that doesn't exist, yet something that we yearn for so badly.

Something that Luke said we were. 

But how.

How is that possible?

If it's something that doesn't exist, how are we still perfect?

I think that we are perfect. But perfection doesn't exist. I have to keep reminding myself of it.

My life on the other hand, is nowhere close to perfect. I never have to remind myself of it. It's always dragging behind me, leaving a dirt trail. 

Sebastian is driving me to my house when I know neither my mom nor Larry will be there to pick up my school stuff for tomorrow, and some clothes. His parents have pretty much adopted me. They, like Sebastian, know everything. They should have been my parents. They are so fucking chill. 

We stop in front of my house and my heart stops. The house is so pretty on the outside, but what goes on within its walls is fucked up beyond compare. Larry is on duty right now, and my mom just got to work, so no one should be home. I hope to god that the house is vacant.

I take the key to the house out of my front pocket and slide it into the lock, turning it slowly, checking behind me to make sure that Sebastian is still there. I slowly open the door. The musty smell of alcohol hits you as soon as you walk through the front door.

"Let’s just get my things and then get the fuck out." I whisper to Sebastian.


We go straight to the stairs, running up them quickly. We get to my room, and I pack about two weeks’ worth of clothes, and anything else I want with me, the rest, all replaceable. As I pack, Sebastian runs up and down the stairs, taking stuff back to his car, and I silently thank him and his parents for taking me in. After I told them what happened, and didn't leave anything out, I'm surprised they let me come back to grab my stuff.

It took about 2 hours to get everything, and we were cutting it very close to the time that Larry gets off work. I finish quickly and tell Sebastian that we should go. 

He agrees, and so we pull away from what was my house. As we get to the corner of my street, getting ready to turn, I look back to see Larry and his police car turn up on the street.

And so we turn onto Arrow Avenue and away from my old life. 

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