Chapter 4

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The day after the stable incident was just another ordinary day, well as ordinary as it got with the scouts that is.

It was another day of combat training. I was much more determined than yesterday, and was able to beat two younger soldiers before getting knocked on my ass again. They were newer and therefore less experienced than Petra, but I was still proud of myself.

After training I was given a chance to properly check out the infirmary, this time as a doctor and not a patient.
There were multiple single sized beds lined up against the back wall in the biggest room, which was mainly for less urgent injuries. There were cabinets on the opposite side of the room filled with scrubs, bandages, antiseptic, and various medical tools. There were a few smaller rooms connected to the main one reserved for operations and more serious procedures. I was quite impressed with the quality of it all, it almost exactly resembled the Hospital's back in wall sina.
There were two other doctors that occupied headquarters, but both declined the invitation to go outside the walls and help as they didn't think they could handle the stress of helping someone while fearing for their own life. Hell, I would've probably been in their shoes at one point aswell.

After exploring the infirmary I was given everyone's medical records so I could be prepared incase anyone got injured. I skimmed over them, making a mental note on a few.

Hange Zoe- 5'6, 132ib, blood type O. She had a considerably long history of injuries over the years, ranging from minor chemical burns to severe illness from injecting a foreign substance into her veins.

Levi Ackerman- 5'3, 143ib, blood type A. He had been treated for a few injuries from expeditions in the past, but the thing that stuck out the most was the fact that he only slept 2-3 hours on average. Damn, Hange wasn't kidding earlier.

Erwin smith- 6'2, 202ib, blood type AB. He had received treatment for both major and minor injuries over his time in the corps. Nothing in particular stood out however.

I finished reviewing the rest of the records and headed out to the dining hall for dinner. I arrived shortly and took a seat next to Hange at a table with Erwin and Levi across from me.

"Heyyy Y/n! We missed you yesterday, what happened?" Hange questioned.

"O-oh, it was nothing, I just had a headache from training and went to bed early is all." I laughed nervously scratching the back of my head.

"Ah ok, I hope you're feeling better!" She perked up and took a bite of her food enthusiastically.
I smiled at her before glancing over at captain Levi. He was staring at me with emotionless eyes while sipping his tea. I quickly broke eye contact and started eating. That man was confusing. I barely know him, and he already sends so many mixed signals. He's a complete and utter asshole most of the time, but the second something bad happened he was genuinely upset. I mean I doubt he'd make a good captain if he didn't look out for his comrades at all. It was just surprising how gentle he was.

"Y/n, you ok?" Hange asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh- yeah sorry." I muttered.

"I hope you don't space off like that when you're operating." Captain Levi said in his usual monotone voice.

"I'll have you know I'm very focused when working." I say and flip my hair dramatically.

"You tell him!" Hange yells, playfully punching me in the arm.

Levi scoffs and lifts his cup up to his mouth trying to act annoyed, but I could see the corner of his lip turn upwards.

He really is an enigma.

Doctors orders (Levi x reader)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now