Chapter 6

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I've been at headquarters for awhile now and haven't done my job in weeks. Don't get me wrong, I don't want people to be injured, it's just in wall sina there was a constant flow of patients. I spent so much of my time caring for patients that I had people who wrote my medical reports for me. It felt so strange to be focusing on my own health and fitness for once, it almost felt selfish.

I was starting to feel antsy, so I walked around looking for something to do.

I ended up wandering into the dining hall, where Hange and moblit were sitting and chatting over tea. Moblit had a tired but content expression on his face while Hange was flailing her arms around explaining who knows what.

I walked over to them carefully and listened to their conversation a bit.

"And that's when I made Levi make an incision on it's ass. That's when we learned that Titans don't have bowels, which sucks because-"

"Hey Y/n! Fancy seeing you here." Moblit shouted over Hange's ramblings. He laughed awkwardly with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Heyyyy guys~" I said sweetly, holding my hands behind my back while rocking back and forth on my heels. "Random question; but have either of you been feeling any unnatural discomfort recently?"

"Besides the physiological torture I'm currently enduring, nothing out of the ordinary." Moblit mumbled.

"Nope! Why do you ask?" Hange questioned.

I sighed and plopped down at the table. "I haven't treated anyone it so long, I feel useless." I grumbled.

"Oh!! I can create some if you'd like! There are a few scouts who owe me-"

"That won't be necessary Hange." I groan and lay my head on the table.

"Suit yourself" Hange said and took a gulp of her tea.

"AHHHEEEEE HOT HOT HOT" Hange suddenly screamed fanning air in her mouth with her hands.
I shot up from my seat and quickly turned to her.

"Hange let me see!" I shouted excitedly, I grabbed her face and held her mouth open with one hand and grabbed her tongue with the other and examined it.

"YES! SECOND DEGREE BURNS! THANK YOU!!"My face lit up "wait right here!" I quickly ran over to the cabinet where the cups are kept and filled one with water, then running over to the kitchen I picked up a pinch of salt and sprinkled it into the cup. I jogged back to Hange and Moblit, careful not to spill any of the salt water.

"Here! This should help with the pain and prevent infection" I grinned wildly as I grabbed her face again, and before she could react I poured the water into her mouth.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I hear Levi shout behind me. I quickly turn around to face him as Hange chokes next to me.

"They're both fucking crazy!" Moblit yells before booking it out of the room.

"Oh hey captain! You see I was getting tired of not doing my job and Hange here was kind enough to injure herself for me!" I beamed.

"Like hell I did!" Hange manages between coughs.

Levi just pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs loudly. "Just clean this mess up before Hange's backwash burns a hole in the floor."

Doctors orders (Levi x reader)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now