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Its a little sad that we only get to live once
When the world it's so beautiful and endless
And every wonder left unexplored
I feel like i am missing out on so much
So many thing I could've been
But i am stuck in the the social norms and the societal expectations of everybody
Of places i never got to call home
And hobbies i might have exceptionally exceeded at but due to time and opportunities i never got to try them out
And lovers i never met
And all the chances i never got to meet people i could have felt at home with
Theres so much i don't even know about
And so many stories left unheard
And all of the caves and caverns i have only heard the name of
And mountain tops i haven't climbed
And shores I still haven't set feet on, watching my feet sink into the sand
And all of the smiles i want to call mine, are lost somewhere in corners of the world
Of a world i will never get to completely call my home, because i will always belong to a small part of it and always be stuck in my bubble
And i will never get the chance to be truly lost
To be something more than just me

26th March 2021

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