Random Headcannon #1

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...I feel like being nice today, so I am posting up two chapters in a single day.


Okey so some of these headcannons come to me while I sleep, others come while playing videogames, and other just float into my crazy mind.


1) Ever since Japan gave Greece a new smartphone, Greece has taken up all of his time playing Nyan Cat. Not only does he love Nyan Cat because it is a cat the shits rainbows, the inspirational messages left by Nyan Cat also help to cheer him up whenever he is alone.

2) Germany doesn' t eat potatoes just because it is one of his national foods (?), he also does it to piss off Romano- he can't help but feel that when he pisses off Romano, he gets a little payback for whenever Romano brings Feliciano down.

3) Russia acts so big and scary sometimes, but this is because he wants to scare off the people that can hurt his family~ the people he loves the most.

4) Before, the scarf that Ukraine gave to Russia used to be as white as snow. Then, after the years, the Cold War, WWs 1&2, and the death of the Czars have left the scarf tainted pink, but Russia still tends to wash it, because he wants to clear all the pain and torture that his citizens have felt.

5) When Switzerland would have to go and attend World Meetings, he would sometimes leave Litchentstein with Japan and Hungary. Once, when Litchenstein asked what Yaoi was, they decided to tell her that Yaoi was a type of dog that only lived in Japan. They explained that it was a species of dog that was commonly male... and it would be sometimes rough, and other times it would be fluffy. Litchenstein decided that she wanted a Yaoi, so Japan gave her a Doberman/Maltese mix. To this day, she carries the dog around and whenever someone asks her what she thought about the puppy she would always say the same thing:


To this day, the nations are still surprised that such an innocent nation can deal with all the hardcore.

All nations, but Japan and Hungary.

6) The reason why sometimes England's cereal would burn is not because he may be a bad cook. It is because America and France pull pranks on him. Whenever they get a chance, they heat up the milk and put combustible in his cereal. They don't want to kill their dear brother, so they make sure that just before he eats the cereal, it gets set on fire. The same goes for his cooking- they replace all of the ingredients in the baking mix while he is in the bathroom, and when the food comes out, it tastes burnt. The food comes out burnt because they change the timer to more time than what it has. Only France and America know that he actually has great cooking. Sometimes, they feel guilt for having to ruin his cooking- but in the end, they get a laugh out of it either way.

7) Alfred is always in New York throughout the month of September, because he loves being able to see the seasons change and visit the statue of Liberty. But, whenever it is 9/11, he always stops by the monument in the memory of the victims. He always cries while he is there, because it tore him apart to see his favorite city in shreds and torn apart.

8) Even though most people think of America as an idiot, he is anything but. Because of all the cultural mix, he knows most languages to exist, anything varying from Spanish to French, Russian to Hindi. Therefore, he is actually very clever, and some nations take into gleeful consideration that whenever they meet up with Alfred, they can talk in their native tounge.

9) Whenever Italy gets the chance, he check's Germany's closets, cabinets and storage rooms for any sign of The Broom. He still has the never-ending hope, that he will find it, and reconcile with his former lover.

10) Out of all the fears Prussia could have, varying from pissing off Hungary to Russia, he really only has one fear: Mephobia. This fear is a fear that you are so awesome, that someday, you awesomeness will wipe out everyone around you that you love.


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