Dare #2! - From EridanAmpora22

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Everyone in the book: Sitting and chatting with one another, throwing trash around.

Admin: -playing spin the bottle with Denmark, Eren, Hikaru, Haruhi, MIkasa, Jean, Connie and Prussia-

-the bottle lands on Mikasa, pointing towards Hikaru-

MIkasa: FFFFFFFFFFFFF- -explodes-

Admin: Welp, she's dead, not anymore: -brings her back with magical admin powers-

Mikasa: I CAME (anyone get that AoT reference? Anyone? Oh well.... -cries in Tamaki's corner w/America-)

Admin: -gets a paper airplane stuck in her head- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK- GUYS GUYS COME LOOK! :D

Everyone: wtf is that?

Honey-sempai: is it cake?

Kaoru: -facepalm-

Admin: I have no idea. Come on, let's see who it is: oh look guys! It's a dare, from someone that isn't a pansy! :D -points at a wild pathetic Austria (I don't have anything against Austrians, just the pansy himself)-

Austria: here we go again-

Admin:-unfolds the letter- hmm, it appears we have a wild dare at our hands.

France: who is it fro, mon cher?

It appears to be from: EridanAmpora22. The dare says: "Germany, go on a date with Prussia. Germany can't hit or smack Prussia in any way, and neither of them can back out." wow, is this considered incest, Japan? - knows answer, just wants to see his face-

Japan: -takes nose out of GerIta doujinshis- maybe... - shits a rainbow and flies away-

Admin: ... okey then, you guys will meet at seven, and if you back up, EITHER of you, I will personally call up a variant Titan to stomp the living shit out of both of you. Got that?

Germanic Brothers: Ja-ja!

Admin: Eren, you will help me out if any of them decide to quit, si?

Eren: Hai!

Admin: Okey den! Let's all leave to go get the cameras-

Germanic Brothers: ...

Admin:... YOU HEARD NOTHING -flies out a window-

Admin: -comes back from window- okey guys, but really, let's all leave to get ready and get out of our PJS. IT IS 4 O CLOCK! At least put on a new pair-

Everyone: mk

~~~time skip brought to you by horse-face. Maybe he's barn with it, maybe it's neighbelline. xD~~~


Germany: -sighs- I know, just, the date will be two hours long... and hopefully admin will come in and stop it early, because I know that this is hard for her...

Admin: - flies in from window- yes, yes it is. -flies out again-

Both of the men: -poker face-

Germany: how will I make through this without slapping Prussia, again?


Germany:-has a suit and a tie on, (why would someone wear that to McDonalds tho...) -waiting in front of a fast foodrestaurant (a McDonalds...xD)

Prussia:-wearing a pink,frilly dress- -appears out of nowhere- I am here! ZHE AWESOME PRUSSIA HAS COME TO SEDUCE MEIN UN-AWESOME BROTHER

A fangirl in the distance: -squeals at the GemanCest and flaps away-

Germany: -sighs, rolling eyes and walk into the McDonalds-

Both of them:-wait in line, wearing their American Smiles- (XDDDDDD the picture is at the top)

Germany: -is about to order-

 Random cashier person: Welcome to McDonalds! The most American restauant to ever exist! :D

Germany:...-shows American smile- can i like,plz,like have a hamburger (on the inside he is dying from embarassment)

Cashier: Oh, OK! Anything else you would llike to order?

Germany: nothing else

Cashier: Your total is, 5.50, including the "free" french fries, cokes, and apple pies.

Germany: - rolls eyes- Ja,ja. Hee you go, thanks for wasting my time.

-brings food over to the diner table-


Admin, France, America, Hanji, Petra, Renge and Tamaki:-wearing camo boots,dark pants, dark shirts and camo makeup-

Admin: OMG LOOK! GERMANY IS GETTING THE FOOD! Wait, he's only carrying one hamburger, and fries, and a single shake, or coke...-snaps fingers- EREN!!!

Eren: H-hai! ( FYI: That means yes, sir in Japanese. I watched SnK in sub, so I know a few things.)

Admin: Have the Titan call ready. I have no mercy for the pepople inside of the McDonalds, with a snap of my fingers, they'll dissipate back into their homes. So, just have the scream ready; k?

Eren: Okey

The said group of spies, trying to see how the date is going: - slowly creep into the McDonalds, not noticing that everyone's eyes were on them, except the German Brothers-


Prussia: Luddy?

Germany: -rolls eyes- Vhat do you want?

Prussia: Can we plz plz plz plz plz: go into the fun house? :D

Germany: No, we can't you are too old for that, and they won't let you in.

Prussia: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!!1!! :D -goes into the kids playground-

The group that is stalking them: -already inside, riding down the slide, saying "wheee" or tagging eachother-

Germanic Brothers:...


Everyone: -runs-

...and that is how the world turned into sparkles. .3.

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