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okay listen to me

me and a good friend of mine called dee were both talking

and so then im complaining to her how everyone calls me a "smol cinnamon bun"

and shes like "oh my god i feel ur pain"

and then i told her im actually a sinnamon bun made of rage

and shes like "yeah me too"

and then i said "how about we start the "angry sinnamon roll" squad or the "smol angry roll" squad and that more sinnamon rolls or smol angry rolls like us could join it and we would be saltmates forever

and so now im telling you that if you think youre up for it

go message me on tumblr at

or go message dee at

and prove to us that you belong

and that you are just like comic sans: "a kitten trying to roar liek a lion"

our motto is " you wanna fight me m8"

we will always have new members and i think we meet on skype but for now i think itll also be on epicmafia

okay byee smol angry roll

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