Everyone Reacts to Panda Porn :D

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Admin: -2:30 in the morning, wearing fluffy pants and a shirt, waiting for Gabs to pick up while on Tumblr-

-gets something weird on dash-

Hmm- I wonder what the fuck that is-

-clicks the panda porn-

Admin: Well fucking shit. I need to show dis to others :D

-planning on traumatizing everyone-

Admin: -brings everyone into conference room, locks doors and windows-

Mori: the fuck

Admin: watch or die дa?

Armin: and how are you supposed to kill us without anything-?

Admin: hey, i'm colombian. It isn't my fault I am a direcr descendant of a Major in the military, or is it? :D

Black*Star: and that doesn't scare me for two shits.

Admin: welp, ill simply bring in the two best weapons in history: the Diana and the Gabby.

Diana: -slowly stalks up to Hunny-chan- sO CUTE AWEDKJSDFVKJFVWENEVWFNKJWVF

Gabbs: -slowly sneaks up ninja-style behind Armin-: hISS MY PRECIOUS

Armin: -screams like a little girl-

Gabbs: -stalks up to Monaco and hugs her until she can't breathe- yOU ARE MINE OK

Monaco: -wheezes-um...

Admin: i scared some sense into you Дa?

Everyone- slowly crawls into corner- ....um okay maybe

Admin: gOOD FOR YOU -puts up the panda porno-


China: -faps- now I have another reason to love pandas! 🐼

Russia: -faps because China-

France: -faps because logic-

Death the Kid: it isNT SYMMETRICAL

Soul: Hey, Maka. That looks like u-

Maka: -duct tapes his mouth- shhhHhhHHhhH

Tamaki: -shields innocent eyes-

Twins: -staring inTENSIFIES-

Kyoya: -does the Anime Eyeglasses thing- well... if we could photoshop Daddy. sweet Daughter, our sons and the neighbors' faces, it would sell money~

Honey: -cries and dies-

Admin: -walks over to the other side of the room- here, the subjects respond as well.

Eren: -bites crotch off- -grows new one-

Armin: The gestation period will be for anywhere from 3 months to 9.

Levi: -sits there, stoic as fuck-

Sasha: -cried and hides behind Ymir-

Ymir: -dEAD-

Spain: Oh look Lovi~ that's similar to when we were wrestling!

Romano: -throws up-

10th Doctor: -goes through TARDIS to try and stop video broadcast-

Dean: -hunts down demon that created this-

Admin: shit wow im tired I just played an intense round of Fuck, Marry and Kill with gabby and im tired -dies-

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