Just to ruin your feels...

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So, today in class (it was SS =D) we were talking about the roman empire and that kind of stuff.

Being the person that aces all her SS test with just watching a season rerun of Hetalia, I kind of zoned out of the lesson, while crying at a random moment when someone would talk about countries (I AM A DEVOTED FANGIRL)

And so, I was thinking of a way to stir up some feels.

Why not go with the all time classic?

Chibitalia writing a letter to Holy Rome.

I decided tht I would write this on Word, but then put it on here, since you can't change the font.

I hope your feels were destroyed! =D

(Nah but I do hope you like the letter tho .3.)


Dear Holy Roma,

It has already been 1 month since your presence leaving the Austrian household. In all honesty, I kind of miss you...

I can remember the times when you would just look at me clean, and I would think it was-a creepy.

Now, I kind of miss your stares. At least, I knew that someone would appreciate me, and that someone would be there to lift up mis sentimientos...

With all of my heart, I put all ounces of faith in you, that you WILL keep your promise.

With all of my heart, I pledge that there will be no one that could have inched their way into it, by making me laugh, cry and scream, like you did.

Even though I may have seemed happy most of the time, I was not.

I would constantly be told by Mr. Austria to clean up messes he had made on purpose, just to make me work harder than what I already did.

At times, I would also feel ashamed for putting on dresses that Hungary made me.

People though that simply because I was fragile and excessively sweet, that I could be like a servant, like a maid, dresses tried on, as if I were a girl.

The thing most people did not realize was that I was not.

I am Feliciano Vargas, and I am no girl.

Dio Mio let you see through that. You had been able to treat me, as if I were someone that could be teased, someone that had feelings, someone that could enjoy life, and not have to live up to the expectations of others.

By teasing me, you made me develop a sense of humor.

By scaring me and stalking me through the door when I was cleaning, you showed me that I need to learn to become stronger, and not live under the care of others.

By giving you the broom I cleaned with, exactly one month ago, you took a piece of me that represented who I am to others, just simply someone that cleans, and someone that you can try dresses on.

But the real reason how come I gave you the broom?

You could see through me, you knew that I was something else, other than a servant. That is why I gave you the broom; as a reminder of what I really was: only the both of us had known. It was OUR little secret.

I hope that nowadays, you use that broom, so you can imagine me helping to clean up your messes.

Can I tell you a secret, mi amore?

At times, I would dream of becoming part of an Empire with you.

In the beginning, I had considered it to be a silly thought, that only you and I could become such a powerful domain.

But, as times changed, so did my aspects.

I would spend entire nights, dreaming about you and me, conquering and owning the world, and being capable of being at the top, you, and me all alone...

We could have shared our victory... all alone.

We might have even shared a kiss, like we did one month ago.

We could roam the halls of your palace, peaking at each other through the doors, and then running off, hoping that one of us wouldn't be found.

We could clean your room together, with a simple wooden broom that holds all of our memories.

We could sweep across the halls, sweep the gardens, and sweep everything that could be OURS...

If I had been smart enough to join you.

Now, that I haven't I am praying that you can get this letter. You can know what my real intentions are.

My real intentions were to be with you, live with you, fight with you, and die with you.

I wanted to be able to spend more time with you than what I already did, because it was-a fun to play with you.

I wanted us to conquer the world, and see what we haven't seen...

Experience what we haven't experienced...

I want us to feel what we HAVE felt, but stronger...

I also wanted to be capable of roaming our huge empire, dissing Austria and make him the maid, for once.

We could spend entire nights together, counting the stars, and dreaming about what would happen if we were up there...

If I had spoken up, then that could be a reality;

...and it wouldn't just be something I spend all my nights, longing and hoping it would come true.

Yours Truly;

Feliciano Vargas

(Forever in your heart)

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