Denmark x Reader-Looking at the Stars

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     My first reader insert, here we go 

Azure eyes shone against the pitch-black sky, dotted with bits of dreams known as stars, and (e/c) eyes shone against the blue. She looked at him, with profound love embedded in her gaze, and inched closer, hour by hour, to the short, blonde, wild-haired source of heat.

Silence decorated the atmosphere that these two people were shrouded within, but neither one would have it any other way. She looked up at him, hoping to tear apart the shroud of silence.

She wasn't able to, because she was so deeply mesmerized by the meaning of what he kept on telling her every day. Something so perfect and candor wouldn't usually come out of someone like Matthias.

She wanted to be strong for him, but she didn't find it in her heart to be giving. She didn't want him to leave her. She wasn't strong enough. She was selfish for him. She couldn't really find it in a file labeled Q & A in some part of her brain, until the answer came shooting at her.

No one had ever deeply understood her as well as he did.

Before him, she was confused; she was lost deep within her misunderstood dreams, and bound to the norms of society by the manacles of tradition. She couldn't do what she wanted to, just because people told her no. She always found the ways of the world she lived in disgusting. She found most people disgusting.

Then he came, and showed her that it was okay to be whoever she wanted to be.

Not a single soul had any possession over the free, wild and forever young spirit deeply kept inside her. She could do whatever she wanted, however she wanted and why ever she wanted to do anything at all.

He helped to teach her that.

And now the wild, forever young and free spirit, no matter how hard she tried, would be slowly and dauntingly consumed by the loneliness that surrounded her.

Though the years alongside him had been beautiful, 15 months would be just enough time to turn her into the person she was before him: alone, uncomprehendable, and tied together to prosaic way of life, which kept her nearly obligated to the tradition of a lifetime.

"I love you, and I think I should let you know that for the enth time in all of eternity. I know that you have to go, and travel, and see everything there is on-"she couldn't bear the thought of her transcending for such a long time alone. She couldn't bear it and choked back the sob which menacingly threatened to escape her semi-open lips, which were now trembling from the cold.

At seeing her quiver, he wasn't sure if it was from the low temperatures or from her bottled up feelings. So he did what any great boyfriend would do in a situation like this: (that happens quite a lot to be honest .3.) give her his long, tail coated jacket and pull her closer to him, which made all the efforts on her inching towards him futile.

"I know, love, and this will be hard for the both of us. Being away from you for so long, not being able to physically comfort you, it breaks me on the inside. But just know, wherever we fucking are, we'll both be seeing the same black sky, the beautiful stars that dot it, and then we'll know that we aren't so far apart."

She chuckled. "At least there's Skype. We can always see each other there." She whispered into his shoulder.

"Yeah. Skype'll always save the day, too do do doo!"He proudly told her. She giggled into his shoulder.

"You're so adorkable."

"I'm your adorkable."

They both stayed just where they were, and though that life was beautiful, and that they were lucky to be where they were. Young, free and in love.

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