Chapter 24

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Authors note:
      Hey guys I feel like I'm losing myself in this story so I've been focusing on it more often. Trying to work more on a great ending. So please be patient on me and please check out my new story....Scared, Lost, All My Fault!

Sarah's P.O.V

           "Oh My God! Are you okay? Did he hurt you!?" Isaiah asked me, running to me and hugging me. I nodded my head, I barely focused just kept picturing my father. He was so evil. Why? This all didn't have to happen like this.

          "Please Isaiah. I'm fine." I said, a women approached us asking for me. I followed her into an empty room. She offered me a drink as I sat down. I just shook my head.

          "How are you feeling?" she asked, I shrugged. She takes a flashlight out her back  pocket and pointed toward my eyes, the left then the right.

         "What am I doing here?" I questioned she laughed, as she leaned against her desk. She explained that I wasn't in trouble just to check me. Since I actually can see and recommends to see an eye doctor to double check. I nodded to everything she said, then she walked me to the door.

             Once I left I found Isaiah talking to my mom, Stephanie. They seemed very secretive, though it didn't bother much until they both stood shut once I was I front of them. Like I said I shrugged it off my shoulder, I didn't say anything as we just  leaving home. Minutes later, Isaiah and I made it safely in home while Stephanie had to work so she left.

            "I'm so glad your okay and can see." Isaiah said, as he throws himself on the couch hitting his head against the wall. I laugh and nod, he looks at me with a mean face which makes me laugh even more.

            "I am, too. Can you help me with something?" I asked him, as he puts his arm around me and I just lean on him while playing with my thumbs. Then I look up at him. It felt so great to be in his arms and to actually see his bright smile.

             "Go ahead. What?" He said, I must not have realized that I was staring at him. Though now I felt embarrassed and just giggled covering my face.

               "Okay don't laugh. It's just I want you to help me. Will you?" I said, as I glance at him and then look away as he notices. Then He playfully shoves me.

                "Anything? What is it?" he said, getting serious. I sit aside from him and start twirling at my hair.

                 "I don't think Stephanie's my mom. I want to find out. Can you help me?" I said......

Isaiah's P.O.V

             When she said that I freaked. How did she think Stephanie wasn't her mom? Did she hear us talking? I couldn't help, but stare at her my eyes wide and I literally didn't blink. She was sitting down and looks at me. This was my chance I can tell her.

            "Um.... Sarah?" Tell her, just tell her. I looked at her. She looked at me.

             "Ill- I.. Ill help you." I spit out, she jumps in my arms so happy. Shit. Why didn't I tell her the truth. Her aunt put me in this mess I should have told Sarah from the start. Sarah lets go and I put a fake smile as she claps.

            "Thank you so much. I just think there is something she is hiding from me and Then my father kept saying she was dead." she said, sounding a bit down.

             "You know how your father is. He is saying anything to hurt you." I said, realizing I was putting myself deeper in the lie. She agrees and then changes the subject.

              "Well I'm hungry. What you going to make me?" she asks, with a big smile on her face. I laugh and she jumps onto my lap and plays with my shirt collar.

                "I gotchu." I say, as I lifted her up and she screamed for me to put her down. So I throw her on the couch and ran to the kitchen. I search through the cabinets until I find what I'm looking for. Then I grab two spoons and run to the living room.

          "Close your eyes!" I yelled, as I hide the object behind my back and hand her a spoon. She laughs, but does what I say. I tell her to guess though she didn't know what to say. I laughed and jumped on top of her. She opens her eyes as I'm laying on her stomach with.. Nutella and already adding a spoon full in my mouth.

            "Give me some!" she yelled, so I dip my finger in the nutella and instead of putting It in her mouth I put it on her nose. I start laughing when I see her trying to lick it with her tongue. I finally get off and I lay in on the couch as she lays behind me and she turns on the tv on Netflix. We spent the whole night watching movies and feeding each other nutella.

Authors note:
I love this chapter!!!! I love nutella!!! Even more lol what do you think is going to happen with Stephanie? Is Isaiah going to keep hiding the secret? Give me your opinion! Also check out my new story and vote comment and share!!!!!!

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