Chapter 20

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Sarahs P.O.V

               "How long will I be like this?" I asked,  feeling the fabric of the blanket. I don't know how long its been, but I haven't left the hospital. I barely talk again, I'm glad at I don't because it seemed to be my way of avoiding things and getting a lot off my mind.

              "I don't know. I'll go ahead and ask the doctor." the nurse said, I begin to feel her presence disappear. More or less I heard her footsteps fade and the door open and shut. About a couple minutes later she entered.

                "Sarah, the doctor will see you in a couple minutes. I'd also like to inform you that Isaiah stopped by." I quickly interrupted her asking what her response was.

                "I told him you were asleep like you'd asked." she said and I just nodded.

                 "What about my mother, Stephanie?" I asked and the nursed said she had not heard from her. I nodded again. The nurse must have took that as a signal to leave because in minutes I' was trapped in silence.

             I've been seeing, Stephanie, my mother everyday. Only for sake of me being desperate, don't take it the bad way, but I missed her. She had left me all alone, I was mad at her for that, but after she explained and I understood completely. Since then we have grown closer she knew about my problem, though she tells me to call it a condition, she helped me a lot. One person I didn't want to see was Isaiah I didn't know for sure, but I'm embarrassed. He wouldn't except me like this. I already knew that and so I guess I'm saving the heartbreak.

Isaiah's P.O.V
          It's been a month and I still have not heard from Sarah. I was worried terribly, since she first had freaked out and since then I haven't heard from her. Though today I was on my way again to try and see her. I had gone yesterday, but the nurse said Sarah was asleep and that she needed her rest. I grab my keys and headed out the door. Once at the hospital I had signed in as a visitor and was told the same direction to her floor, impatiently waited for the elevator and then got to floor six.

              "I'm here to see Sarah, again." I said to the familiar nurse who attends me everyday. She looked at me and shook her head.

            "Sarah doesn't want to see anyone right now, sorry." she said, then went back to typing on the computer.

            "Well I'm not leaving until she's ready. I'm sick and tired of this I don't know why you people don't allow me to see her, but I'm not leaving until I do." I said, maybe just a little too loud because people were staring at me, but that didn't bother me. I was more worried about Sarah.

          The nurse must have noticed my frustration and had told me to wait as she dialed someone. I just nodded and sat in the waiting area. I guess I must have fallen asleep because one of the nurses had woken me up.

        "I fell asleep?" I asked, as I yawned. She nods and I get up ready to leave.

         "Wait where are you going?" she asks, I turn around looking at her with a confused look.

          "I'm leaving I've spent, what about an hour an half waiting? I still have not gotten to see her or known what's going on with her." I said, ready to walk out she stops.

           "Come with me." she said, as she begins to walk I follow a couple feet from her. Only to stop at Sarah's room. She opens the door for me.

            "Fifteen minutes. That's all I'm given you." she spoke I nodded and enter the room closing it behind me.

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