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A/N: Hey guys! Since we loved the last chapter so much, Tribute_Unicorn is co-writing this story! Hope you enjoy! <3

Heyo! Tribute_Unicorn hijacking this real quick. Just wanted to say I hope you enjoy this book! ByE.

~In the "another selection" Fanfictions, I know we've talked about having the same plot before, but I swear it's like EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER HAS A CARBON COPY OF THEMSELVES!!! Um also they have the most basic names like why the hell would there be a Emily, Laura, Kate, Shaliene, Emma, Maddie and Kat in the same selection. Bish just go look up names instead of using the same basic names.

~Bouncing off of the first one, their names will either be EXTREMELY exotic or hella simple. No gray area with names. None.

~Bouncing off the that one, who the hells name is Shaniquaflowerbeautifuloutstandinggirl?

~Maxon will never, ever, ever, EVER tell America where their honeymoon is. Like never.

~Of course, their honeymoon always is in France bc Nicoletta and Daphne HAVE to be their tour guides.

~Grammer. Grammergrammergrammer. Spelling. Spellingspellingspelling. Please refer to the paragraph below:
i wlkd intwo me and maxonz room. it has supir soft bedz and me and maxon lays down. he kizzed meh fiercleh and riped of my drez. i reechd down to hiz soot pantz and unbukld th butuns. he grinned and-
**leaves book**
**takes out of library**

~Celeste is never mentioned again even though she DIED and they were good friends at the point. I swear having no nightmares about someone who died is worse than Katniss's never ending nightmares of Prim.

~ "I felt someone bump into me" BISH WHET WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT

~ The main character always has to have a special talent. It's always either art or playing an instrument.

~90% of the covers are just pictures. No words. Just a girl in an ugly "2poofy4u" dress.

~Kriss turns really bitchy in the "after" fanfics. She comes back and tries to steal Maxon and yadda yadda yadda.

~"Good morning my dear."
"Don't call me your dear."
**one third of a page later...**
"I love you my dear."
"Don't call me your dear"
**author continues for rest of the story**

~Do bathrooms not exist anymore? To come to think of it, a bathroom was never even mentioned in the original selection trilogy...

~Too many pet names.

"Oh Maxon my gootchy cootsy honey baby bear sweetheart!"

"I love you my little dear, beautiful stunning fantastic attractive America who is as radiant as the sun"

~America is STILL insecure about herself. Just read below:
I looked at my sky blue eyes, radiant red hair, perfect body, and glowing skin. "I'm so ugly, I don't get why Maxon chose me." I said.
"Hello gorgeous," Maxon said, walking into my room "You're not ugly, you're flawless"

~Heh. Heh. I thought Maxon was the KING of Illea. So um he doesn't need to work he can just hang out with America all day, every day, every year, can't he?

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