Kakashi's Reaction (Edited)

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Kakashi stopped for a moment to wipe away the tear that threaten to spill from his face. He had been ordered along with the rest of the Leaf Village's ninja to find the body of Sakura Haruno. 

His student was dead. That made five now. Five of his team mates that died. Five he couldn't help. 

Kakashi started again. His tears wouldn't stop. His was hurting so badly. It was like a knife being buried deep in his chest. The burning feeling there that just wouldn't go away. You see when someone you know commits suicide, their pain doesn't disappear. It just moves on to the next person. In this case, it was transferred to all of Konoha. 

Gai watched Kakashi carefully. He didn't want his best friend to suddenly stop and fall to the ground. He knew at this moment, Kakashi was fragile. He couldn't believe Tsunade had sent him on this mission. She should have known this would effect Kakashi more than anyone. He feared what would happen if Kakashi found Sakura's body. He feared it would send him of the edge. 

Gai watched as Kakashi missed a tree limb and started to fall. Almost instantly, he was there to catch him, like a best friend should. Gai smiled up at him. He really did love Kakashi. Not just as a best friend, but as a lover. Kakashi just didn't know it. 

Kakashi seemed surpised at first, but didn't refuse when Gai just kept going. In fact he wrapped his arms around Gai, and cried openly into his neck. 

After only twenty minutes of this, Gai noticed something below their feet. Without making a sound, he signaled to the other ninja that they had found Sakura's body. Her bloody broken body.

It seemed that animals had been feeding on it. She had holes all over her body and some of her internal organs had been hanging out. This is what happens when you can't find a body for several days. Looks like it's gonna be a closed casket. 

Kakashi went to peek his head up but Gai just pushed it back down, and turned to walk away. Kakashi was still on his back. 

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So, Kakashi was way OOC. I'm sorry, I didn't know how to write him, so I made him Gai's new lover. Deal with it guys. Also I would appericate it if you would read some of my other fics. Man, that would be awesome. I kinda felt lonely that's why you have this one so soon. Love y'all and see ya some other day :D Don't worry about me, I'm healthy (for the most part) and I started another fanfic so I would have a purpose in life. :D Bye guys!


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